I've made it to the point in the game where I have a bunch of crap, and too few store to sell them, so I decided to make ALL the stores in the starting town. I also made a few stores in the adjacent town.
In the first town, I sell so much crap that I use up ALL the money in all the stores. When I go to my second town, those stores also have no money left.
Very minor spoiler with names, if the above was not clear:
I build the level 3 (max) version of the Weapon store in Sanctuary and in Abernathy Farm. Let's pretend the Weapon Store starts with 515 worth of caps in cash. When I sell 513 worth of caps to him in Sanctuary, he will be left with 2 caps. Then I travel to Abernathy Farm and visit the Weapon Store there. That store also has only 2 caps left!
Can anyone else confirm this?