Settlement suggestions

Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 9:09 pm

After playing Fallout for about 40 hours or so I must say I love this game. I actually haven't even properly started the main story line because there are just so many distractions. My favorite distraction is building settlements. However this feature could be VASTLY improved and I have some ideas as to how. Everyone else is of course free to contribute. I will add people's contributions to my main post over time so one does not need to scroll through pages and pages reading different things. That's been my main problem thus far in navigating this forum.

Please note I have not explored all aspects of settlement yet so this list may be limited. As I play more I will add more. Hopefully Bethesda sees this thread.

  • Create a menu that opens up on an object that can be assigned to someone. In the menu you can choose settlers for this job. Settlers that currently have a job can have [Farming] or something beside their name.
  • The mechanic of having defence deter raids on settlements is kind of a bore. I enjoy repelling attacks and watching all the defences I set up chew through enemies.
  • There is a control to rotate yet no control to raise and bring down constructed objects. Only camera controls but I'm OCD when I build stuff and like to place it perfectly. Camera control makes this difficult.
  • Allow for a little more leniency when it comes to placing objects. Sometimes I can't place something simply because it is a fraction of a centimeter touching another object. Ironically sometimes I can place a fence halfway underground.
  • Allow for the tilting of some objects (preferably automatically). Sometimes I place an object and it's hovering or only half on something. This is especially frustrating when it comes to building fences. I'd say allow us to flatten land but I think maybe that would take Fallout a step too far in the direction of those world building games.
  • I don't have the Local Leader perk yet so maybe my next suggestion exists. There should be an option to send a caravan of goods from one workshop to another. You can even follow it along and protect it. Sometimes the amount you want to move is too heavy to carry. I know you can buy shipments from merchants (never tried) but I don't really want to spend 2000 caps on something I already have a lot of in another workshop. Escorting your caravan can be a fun way to see the wasteland (some people don't like fast travel).
  • It would be cool if I could send my settlers out on scavenging missions. I know from the miscellaneous menu you can build a scavenging station but it doesn't fill up with anything but you can assign a settler to it. Maybe these items are going into my workshop without me noticing? I don't know I have a lot of things there.
  • I'm not entirely sure how the mechanic of arming settlers works but from what I've read, settlers have unlimited ammo for their default weapon yet limited for any weapon you arm them with. If this is true I think it should change. I'm sure some people might disagree and say this way you could super power your settlers, however if you have the resources to super power your settlers then you SHOULD be able to super power your settlers. I mean what if super mutants attack. Super mutants vs super settlers. Sounds pretty super. Besides I think it would be cool to watch laser beams flying all over the place.
  • I'm not entirely sure if you can build guard robots in settlements but please implement it. That would be so awesome.
  • I think settlers should passively repair things over time using less resources. You can of course use your own resources to expedite the process.
  • *Mini spoiler* Not sure if there's a way to know artillery range but if there isn't, can we get a way? I purposely kept this suggestion obscure.
  • We should be able to command companions and special characters who settled into one of your settlements to do stuff like farming or guarding. They do some things automatically but if they're going to stay in my settlement then I should be able to tell them what to do.
  • I think the chances of a raider attack should be influenced by the amount of stuff in your workshop. Make sense doesn't it? If you have a workshop filled with goodies, then you'd better have turrets protecting it.

MRM's suggestions:

  • It should be possible to build better/more solid buildings. You won't survive a single winter in those shacks. Not to mention that you can not keep your food dry when it rains. (and in the end, why should people 200 years after a war be less competent in build buildings then people some 1000s years ago, who had less knowledge and resources. But - the max quality of the buildings should be skill depended ( and of course depend on the resources you can invest).
  • Building should require time and maybe workers you have to hire and supply.
  • I would prefer to develop one big settlement instead of looking after 13 ( or so? ) small settlements,

DISCLAIMER: I am not a game developer nor do I know anything about coding. What I am is a guy who plays video games and enjoys them. Some of my suggestions may be unrealistic, difficult, or imbalanced. If you feel this way then feel free to post your own counter suggestion. I'm interested in hearing other ideas.

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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 1:03 am

everything is manageable for me except the tiny specific object limit. this is sooo frustrating.

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Joie Perez
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 9:19 pm

What is this object limit I keep hearing about? I've never had it happen?..
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 3:05 am

I had the problem, that one of my walls hovered a few centimeters above ground ...

Anyway, I have some further wishes

- It should be possible to build better/more solid buildings. You won't survive a single winter in those shacks. Not to mention that you can not keep your food dry when it rains.

( and in the end, why should people 200 years after a war be less competent in build buildings then people some 1000s years ago, who had less knowledge and resources

- But - the max quality of the buildings should be skill depended ( and of course depend on the resources you can invest )

- Building should require time and maybe workers you have to hire and supply.


- btw I would prefer to develop one big settlement instead of looking after 13 ( or so? ) small settlements,


beeing able to name your settler ( or give them random names ) would be nice too

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