OOC Actually tayroc I am halfway up a very tall tree (used lev to get up there as any sensible Ashlander would

and I can slip around the tree and disappear by using lev to fly to the next tree - and since lev is not used in Cyrodiil them dumb gobboes won't find me!) - chameleoned and basically out of their reach - also I am half my bow's range away at the least - say 50+ yards in the middle of the night. If I need to I can use invisibility. The travellers now have a chance to defend themselves or run and the settlement is alerted instead of being murdered in their sleep or whatever.
My difficult decision is what to do next - and that depends on you lot and the travellers and the gobboes. Wish XxHavokxX was here to stage manage this fun bit.
IC raggi uses invisibility for a few seconds to be sure the gobboes do not spot him and carefully observes the ensuing events, waiting for the next opportunity to act effectively.
It is some distance to the Settlement but the others should have heard that quite clearly - I feel a massive grin stretch accross my face.
No way to warn them just how many gobboes there are without giving my position away I decide - actually in the darkness under the trees even I cannot count them - but there are quite a lot. Now let's see what the strangers are made of and what they do. Maybe they can link with the settlement or maybe they will find ways to escape the ambush the gobboes were setting.
The gobboes look around wildly, but my chamoflage holds - they are all looking at the ground and my tree has no branches that man or mer could climb to. Their leader jumps up and down and then hits screecher on the head with the massive club he is carrying and screecher decides unconsciousness is a viable option and shuts up. So leader shrugs and points at the campfire and nothing loathe they all charge that way - roaring their heads off.
This is my chance! I start shooting the the last of the tail enders in the back, one by one. by the time they have closed the distance to the campfire they will be several members short and they will not know it until they look around - if they look around I muse as I loose one shaft after another. Two to each gobboe - forget precision, any body hit will do.
As they arrive at the camp I cast my strongest spell, hold, on their leader, and as he slams to a halt I shoot three arrows at him and cast invis on myself again, edge out of sight behind the tree trunk and lev gently away into the gloom ...
Blinded by the fire-light that they have been looking towards all the time during their approach the gobboes have no chance of seeing me and as soon as I am into the screen of smaller trees and bushes behind my one I will sink to the ground and circle around to the other side of the campfire away from the Settlement to another convenient tree. By that time the villagers should be arriving if they fancy a wild skirmish in the Moonslight - and the strangers will have to fend for themselves for a bit. Now where have they got to?
OOC awww, shucks - can't leave it there - poor Balim would be most upset to miss the fun

- so
IC As I float off I look for the strangers and I see that by luck or design they have slipped off in the direction of the Settlement - which may be lucky for them. Or not ...
I cannot see the gobboe leader, but it I can hear the war band arguing - a very short argument that ends with a thump and a thud. Then the conscious and fit all charge off in the direction of the Settlement, so I change my plans and proceed towards the firelight to finish off the trail of wounded and (hopefully the chief) before following. There are plenty of gobboes it seems and it should leave me with time to catch up and do some more damage.
My cham is holding nicely as I return to my tree and I take the time to survey the surrounds ...