1. I do know about the bell, but, personally, I would like the following.
A: Automatic naming of settlers according to tasks:
- Generic newly arrived settler: Settler 1, Settler 2, Settler 3 and so forth.
- Farmer = Farmer 1, 2 etc.
- Guard = Guard 1, 2 etc.
- Shopkeepers named after their store type.
- Provisioners named after the "route".
- If you change Guard 2 to Farmer and he becomes the third farmer, then he becomes farmer 3. Former guard 3, becomes guard 2.
- Or possibly instead of 1, 2 ... it should be 1/3 (1 of 3) and 2/3 etc.
B: Ability to rename settlers manually.
C: Automatically equipping settlers in different tasks according to player defined setups.
- Let me define standard setups of apparel and equpment for eg. tasks farmers, guards. provisioners and unassigned settlers.
- Let all settlers try to equip up to that standard setup from a special storage, if the gear is available. They don't necessarily have to walk there... just withdraw from container and put it on them, if available.
Eg. I want farmers to use x clothes and leather armor and guards to use y clothes and combat armor.
I set it up via, eg. the ingame, in settlement terminal. And when I put x clothes, y clothes, leather and combat armor into the special storage it's automatically withdrawn and assigned according to my presets. If I then reassign a settler, he/she automatically updates to another preset.
I get to equip settlers with different setups according to tasks for easy recognition. I only have to do it once and change happens automatically.
This can be done with generic armor categories and guns ... Eg. farmer with a 10 mm, can end up with any kind of 10 mm I put in the special storage.
Preferably tho... I can put any 10 mm. gun with any modifications into the special storage... and it will automatically convert (without giving me stuff for free) if materials are available... A specificly modded 10 mm for eg. farmers or whatever.
Yeah, It's pretty darn comprehensive, but priceless help... if you are wanting to equip all your different settlers with standardized equipment, armor and guns. Or you will have to individually mod hundreds or pieces and armor and hundreds of guns... and gain god knows how many xp levels from ... basic equipment that, I'd argue ... should be up to the settlers themselves.
EDIT and PS: Needs a safeguard against changing/deleting unique/legendary items and offcourse you should be able to manually override the equipment categories.
2. Well offcourse they can make that as deep as they want to... Currently I'm just thinking a simple thing... That you can set up your settlements hostility levels towards the different factions according to your dictatorial desires for the playthrough.
So you can roleplay seeing the airship... shaking the fist at the sky and declare war from then and there ... upon seeing the invaders.
So setting all settler hostility settings to all factions ... and adding enemy faction "units" to the settlement attack spawns. So if you declare on BoS, they'll start attacking your settlements (tho so far as per whatever governs when and how and why a settlement gets attacked).