Settlements Being Attacked

Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:35 pm

They really need to do something about settlements being attacked when you have a high defense rating and still failing when you're not there. My last attack I didn't even get notified until a failed to defend message came across my screen. This is a settlement with over 100 in defense, all my settlers have good weapons, most of it is walled off and yet it fails because I wasn't there. What's the point in investing in these turrets, guards and walls if its going to fail because your almighty presence wasn't there. Especially when you weren't notified. That's my major beef with settlements.

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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 10:20 am

I have to agree. Sometimes I don't even know a settlement is being attacked until I get a message saying I failed. This is coming from settlements where the settlers are armed to the teeth and I spend +5 delves worth of scrap to build turrets and walls surrounding the place. Yet somehow I still fail. I show up, no one is dead, I see a few low level raiders running away and everything is broken. How do they do it?

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Add Meeh
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 4:20 am

This has happened several times to me as well, several times and it doesn't help that the notification goes under Misc, it would have been easier to detect if they got their own quest.

Also, there should be an XP reward for defending the settlements, going all the way there (No fast travel) to save my 20 well armed settlers and a bunch of turrets from 5 raider scums and not get an XP reward for completing the objective is disappointing.

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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 9:48 am

I rarely get attacked watch me get repeatedly attacked now. I ignore many of prestons missions but I have my own belief maybe that keeps attacks at bay. When I missed some it was usually some broken water pumps so I keep them together so I can find them.
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marie breen
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 9:32 pm

the message that u receive goes away too fast and u miss alot of attacks , i don't mind getting attacked because there are legendary attackers in the group but i miss alot of alerts

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luis dejesus
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 6:58 pm

Yeah attacks can be anoying it semms that the game doesnt take into acount defences to well if you are not there, i mean i normaly just travel there sit down and watch my setlers/turrets exterminate any threat in matter of seconds, though if i am not there it often fails which makes no sence(i assume this is a bug)

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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 9:09 am

settlement attacks are fun but certainly need some work.

So far I have had settlements come under attack but when I got there, no attack. I roamed around and waited for something to show up. Nothing

Or failed messages for settlements I never got notification of attacks.

Or I got two settlements under attack at the same time. How the heck am I suppose to help those?

One settlement kept coming under constant attack. I wouldn't even get messages. I'd show up and turrets would be down, crops destroyed. So I built a wall closing the place off entirely from frontal access other then a door. Then after the doorway which was guarded by turrets I built a maze of walls with each corner guarded by a turret. Then there was guard stations along the walls. in this settlement I had 19 settlers so I assigned as many as I could to defense.

Now when I get a message about that settlement under attack, I show up to find all the enemies spawned against the wall with no way in. I pick them off quick with VATS and settlement life goes on as usual lol.

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