The Settlement system is such a big part of the game (if you want it to be) and so complex I'd love to see it added as a forum section with its own stickies instead of having to use the search function to try and pick out information.
The Settlement system is such a big part of the game (if you want it to be) and so complex I'd love to see it added as a forum section with its own stickies instead of having to use the search function to try and pick out information.
I don't think that'll happen to be honest. What we could do instead is maybe keep all settlement discussion in the same place.
All it needs is some brave person to write up a solid FAQ for the opening post and we're set.
I have a settlement question:
I've noticed that once I set up the settlement beacon, no settlers will join after the first group arrives. No matter how many beds, food, water, defenses, or happiness I increase, or how high I raise my Charisma, no settlers join after the initial group. Is that normal?
Terrible idea. Settlements have so many different aspects that cramming every discussion about them into a single thread will be counter productive.
A Settlement Forum would be useful, it's a whole game in itself.
Agreed. Let's see if they're listening.
I think a subforum would be a good idea. Might I also suggest a ... stickied suggestions thread?
Personally, from the top of my head of suggestions?
Automaticly giving settlers clothes according to tasks:
No task = basic clothes A, basic pipe pistol and possibly basic other equipment?
Farmer = basic clothes B, basic pipe pistol and possibly basic other equipment?
Trader = basic clothes C, basic pipe pistol and possibly basic other equipment?
Guard = basic clothes D, basic pipe pistol (possibly a little better) and possibly basic other equipment (armor)?
Caravener = basic clothes E, basic pipe pistol (possibly a little better) and possibly basic other equipment (armor)?
Then let us set up a preferred outfitting for each task, which the settler will try to withdraw from the local workshop (or shared workshops).
Eg. setting up guards to use military fatigues, combat armor and a combat rifle. The person will then take out the items, from the workshop, if available and automatically put them on. If they aren't available they will take the items that are available.
Preferably with an option to include named settlers or not and letting us override in the same way we do normally, and possibly on a per settlement basis.
It could be problematic, if a settler takes something you want or need, even if you set it up like that. Could be solved with settlers drawing from some kind of communal storage instead of the workshop, but which would be shared/not shared as the workshop is and possibly making it impossible for settlers to automatically withdraw eg. unique items.