My settlers keep remarking about the hard work and body aches, and dirty hands. What exactly are they trying to say? My character is not a masseuse and I haven't found any potpouri or soap.
My settlers keep remarking about the hard work and body aches, and dirty hands. What exactly are they trying to say? My character is not a masseuse and I haven't found any potpouri or soap.
what's their happiness level at? at 80, they complain less often.
Subsistence level unmechanized farming is hard work?
They're just farmers playa'-hatin' on you for running around in your power-armor fat and happy full of Cram and Whiskey.
You haven't been looking hard enough - I found some soap myself and gave it to strong in the hopes he would use it so I could finally breath again in his presence but all he said was something like "hurr hurr humans look so funny"
Fun fact in the wasteland soap is considered "junk" ... sais alot about its inhabitants
I agree the settlers complain a LOT. Once in a great while one of them will thank me for building them their mega story shopping mall and beautiful houses that are fully powered and keeping them fed and safe... but mostly it's complaints. Their fingernails are dirty. They ache. It's not "easy living". It makes me wonder why I even bothered. Bethesda could have programmed in just a *little* less whining.
The worst is every time I do a minute man side quest and I exterminate the living [censored] out of some stupid raiders or super mutants.
And then before I can talk to the settlers about how I kicked ass for them, the first thing they say is "oh youre back, that either means you didn't do anything or..."
[censored]!!!! This is my tenth [censored] time helping you out and you think I'm going back on my word when I said I'd help?
If they'd prefer to hit the road and contend with the raiders and mutants, hey, don't let the gate hit ya on the way out.