62 Settlers!

Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 10:14 pm

lol that reminds me of gjallerhorn in destiny...and all the new players... who dont know about or remember the good ol days of gjallerhorn. hahaha

Yeah man, i had 65 settlers there since before the big build.... i honestly think...it has something to do with NOT visiting or going near the settlement for along time. Only my least visited settlements have the most amount of people. This is the same for an aquiantence of mine elquinno

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Brian LeHury
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 4:24 am

Nice settlement!

All of mine are ugly and 100% serviceable...
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Anna Krzyzanowska
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 4:31 am

That's awesome, not only because it's an accomplishment but it also looks really good and the layout in many ways feels right.

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luke trodden
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 4:39 am

thanks man, i appreciate it.

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josie treuberg
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 4:55 pm

Me too. I just figured out how to up my building materials and I would be very upset if I were to lose that capability. But, as with other things like this in previous games, I imagine they will stop us from being able to do that. That's why I just went in to my PS4 setup and turned off all the automatic downloads and updates. I hope I don't run in to a situation where the game automatically detects them and won't let me play until I download the latest patch or something stupid like that.

@ Opsco_Specialist ...

I watched your entire live stream as much as my cruddy internet connection would allow. Very entertaining. I was glued to the screen the whole time. There were a couple of times where you and I both said, "Holy crap!" at the same time at things going on. Even my wife enjoyed watching it and she's not in to gaming at all. Those defenses going off with no warning and shooting across the river at Taffington Boathouse were a thing of beauty.

Then when it was over I tried to do some of the things to get more materials and got it to work. It's awesome, but for some reason I feel all dirty and icky about it now. Doh! :) I'll only use it to beef up a building or two, I swear ahh, who am I kidding, I'd repave and rebuild the entire wasteland if I could get away with it. :)

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Sami Blackburn
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 2:58 pm

Wow Shane, glad to hear man!! Mean so much to know that I was actually entertaining for someone, actually TWO people. Your wife too! hahaha. Yeah, the missiles were pretty intense. I am happy with my defense tower designs... they work great.

Dont feel Icky about it!! Feel creative!! you now have the power to build what your mind sees!!! Now go make that masterpeice! (and send me a pic or vid of it)

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Jonathan Montero
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 12:08 am

I would make a completely untested hypothesis that you got that many settlers because you only have a few settlements (I think that is what you implied in prior posts). I have about 20 or so settlements, all hitting around 20 settlers (although a couple claim to be 30+ on pip boy but then show 20 when I travel there) most of which have ridiculously high defenses (300+), usually 30+ beds, beacon, shops, and everything. Maybe the total number of new settlers will get spread-out between all your settlements.

I think the number of settlements might be a key as to why you haven't been hit by raiders. I don't even get warnings, just notice that a settlement now has 0 everything way too often. That started when I made a bunch of settlements. I see a lot of posts from folks with only a few settlements claim they've never been raided.

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Brian LeHury
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 5:10 pm

Are you anywhere close to level 104?
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Jade MacSpade
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 9:09 pm

Great build OP! Inspiring to say the least

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brian adkins
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 5:00 am

You scrap the barrels. The barrels are the source of the radiation. Once they are gone, nothing is irradiating the ponds anymore.

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Chloe Mayo
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 11:06 pm

Sorry to say,i gained my own 38 settlers after already controlling almost every settlement in the game.

I had also been to my settlement plenty of times previous to gaining those 38 settlers,so i have my doubts that length of time between visits plays any part.I definitely think it's some kind of bug/glitch,makes no sense that one of my s3ettlements would suddenly sprout almost double the settlers while all the rest haven't,yet i have done nothing different that i can think of there.It seems un-intentional.

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Kat Lehmann
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 1:49 am

Yes I'm level 120 something I think.

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David John Hunter
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 8:53 pm

yeah i went back to that boathouse settlement the other day to find 32 settlers there. i had to rebuild my defences to expand the area but also sent 10 of them away to other newer settlements to beef up defences elsewhere

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 4:56 am

Love it, hope it's not a bug with all those settlers, I'd love to have that many!
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Elisha KIng
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 5:36 am

About the 10+chr limitation, i think it's about where you can send people to the location, settlers or companions by telling them "go there". i have sent several companions to the castle (even if they dont like or tell the minutmens are tramps) and each time it was greyed in the list because my population was above my actual charisma, but if i dress and use chems to rise it above the population the castle turns green in the dialogue.

I have reach 26 so far with only 8 charisma and a +3 chr dress and +5 chr mentats. Each time i needed to send someone here it works with that method.

I havnt try with radio yet as i have turn it off from scratch in the castle, but i'll give a try to expend it a bit with a crafted beacon.

About the topic, i'm just hurry to leave work to see your vids :)

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darnell waddington
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 2:12 am

This is truly an amazing accomplishment. It's making me think I picked the wrong console. My friend is on Ps4 and he also has a HUGE amount of settlers. Not as many as you, but almost triple what I've been able to build at my settlements and I'm not that far behind him in level or hours played. I'm on xbox and can't get my settlers above the high teens.

Thanks for sharing this amazing thing you've done with the game.

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Louise Dennis
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 8:19 pm

Damn. Beautiful. Nice work.
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helen buchan
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 10:34 pm

Don't want to start a console war but i do believe you picked the wrong console. i used to use a 360 but the games coming out on PS4 for early release or exclusive are much better. I've not seen many xboxone exclusives other than Halo5 that look any good.

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carley moss
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 8:11 pm

And I'm not much into Halo anyway. I still have to do some research, but if it turns out that there is just more possible on the Ps4 with this game than with the xbox, I may switch. Settlement building is by far my top loved feature in this game and it's disappointing to see my settlements so cared for with barely any settlers coming, but my friend put little effort into his and he's got 40+ settlers. I mean, he's building it out now because he has so many and he wants them happy (and he likes to annoy me lol). But wow - so many settlers and he did nothing to get them but put up a beacon. I'm just not getting the same results on xbox.

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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 9:05 pm

I don't even have a console, got a really nice computer that I'm very fortunate to have but I'd sure like to play some of those games you guys have access to... ah I wont complain.

Would like to have a mega-settlement like the OP.

I've only figured out that

1) Settlers complain if their pathfinding cannot easily get them to a bed, so be sure to have the bed sort of out in the open.

2) Scrapping guns and outfits laying on the ground gives more build cap...Glitch don't know if that will be fixed or just how much wiggle room I'll have even with a very nice PC, could be game capped for a reason other than hardware ><

I think my stuff is nice but some of you guys really think way outta the box on these builds.

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Eileen Müller
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 10:24 pm

yeah i spend about an hour building in each settlement, placing stilted flooring so i can snap walls around it then deleting the odd wall to fit in a stair-wayed defence platform and assign a settler to it. i also try to build more houses that look like they are part of the existing houses/buildings and lay down plenty of beds, usually 2-5 more than needed as well as plumbing in enough water, i will always place the biggest water pump if there is a water source nearby. food is simple enough, 6 crops per settler to work it, and then often just put everyone else on scavenger duty. its a shame though that locations like the big island you get for the railroad has the same town size as the rest as its such a large area, it is of course uneven and hilly all over but I've built some nice water houses on the coast of it.

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Nathan Risch
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 4:11 pm

Yeah, i only bought ps4 because IMO it has better exclusive titles.

my goal is to tes the limits on fallout 4 with the PS4. I did a stream live last night, trying to blow up my PS4, by building a settlement, with a lightbox billboard with 1,122 pixels (light boxes) and over 300 light boxes. Took me hours to wire together. Slowed the fram rate to almost the point of crashing while wiring (and everything is highlighted) but other than that...still runnning smooth with the power on walking around. Im gonna have to build BIGGER i guess. Maybe ill be the first to melt down my ps4.

The important part is that you like, and are happy with your builds! my goal is only to inspire and bring out the creative abilities in people in fallout 4. Most people wont even try to build anything complex or creative in fallout 4 (on console) because they are unaware that it is actually doable.

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Jinx Sykes
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 8:19 pm

That is amazing! And after some thought experiments, the only two answers I can reasonably come up with about the settlers limit is this:

1. It's a bug.

2. The game does not actually cap the settlers and charisma. What I mean is this... you can get 20 charisma... but can raise it artificially, which is how some people get 25+ settlers. What if the game doesn't retain that information. So it says Ok, he has 25 charisma now, and an active recruitment beacon, we can send 5 more settlers. But then you change clothes, or the drugs wear off... so you drop back down the 20. The game stops recruiting settlers. But next time you put on a suit and drink some wine, the game re-calculates your charisma... sees you have 25 and send 5 more settlers across your active settlements.

In other words, the algorithm doesn't hard cap the # of settlers at whatever maximum achievable charisma is.

I was just turning it over in my head, like the rest of you - and OP, and that is the best I could come up with.

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Racheal Robertson
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 7:55 pm

Hey guys, a few ppl have been having trouble finding my info and streams and videos...

I have been streaming on https://gaming.youtube.com/

My past streams and all my build videos are saved and located on my Youtube Channel : https://www.youtube.com/user/TheJekyl


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Lynne Hinton
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 5:53 pm

I watched you doing that last night and caught the last hour or so. It was a lot of fun to watch. I think it says a lot about the power of consoles now. I used to build my own gaming and DAW (digital audio workstation) rigs and I would feel confident in saying that I bet it rivals some mid range PC's and surpasses low end ones.

I subscribed to your yt channel and I'll keep checking from time to time to see when you're on. I found you completely by accident last night, which is pretty amazing seeing the number of live Fallout 4 PS4 streams out there. I was looking at streams through the PS Live on my PS4 and for some reason your name wasn't showing up. By chance I clicked on your stream because it looked interesting.

BTW, did you notice custom builds show up in the Pip Boy when you look at the local map? Kind of cool to see your own creations show up in green like that.

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