Simply scrap any item on the ground where you settlement is, and it will count as having been apart of your settlement, thus decreasing your total limit. Plus you shouldn't try to avoid the auto censor, that's against the rules.
Thanks for the Info.
Now I can actually build a proper Base.
fyi ... he's streaming right now doing a build.
He's streaming on youtube or you can watch it on your ps4's Game Broadcast's app thingy.
Finally got to watch the vid, plus a few of yer others, and all I can say is d-d-d-damn!
Regardless of how you got the settler count(htf?), regardless of it being PS4(, amazing enough itself, dunno how yer PS4 dinna blow up!), that is some way beyond impressive work, and a hell of a lot of detailed lovin'.
Kudos, cheers, and Slainte!
That's awesome and very impressive it was done on PS4. Not a modded PC cheat code specialist. Great video.
Wow, one of the most impressive things I've seen done in game! Nice job, OP! Where did you get all those potted plants? Really makes the place come alive.
Dude.. Thanks for your post, and taking time to sign up here. I just spent 3+ hours watching some of your videos. Thumbs 'd you up where I could. Thanks for the inspiration and ideas on furthering my own ends..
Lets imagine Fallout 20 years from now. Never mind 200! lol ...
Keep building man till that PS4/$ starts smokin'
I know, right? I just switched to PS4 a couple of months ago, had no idea it could handle stuff like this.
Mind. Blown.
Awesome build,colour me impressed.
Shame you couldn't paint the foundation blocks though
As for the settler thing,i recently got 38 of them in outpost zimonja,wish i knew what was at play there,it isn't char as mine is 23 with clothing.I think it's just a glitch as it didn't happen to any other of my many settlements.
It's a pain too,that outpost is rather small so it's very crowded,may start culling them.
This game would be so rad if it had Coop mode.
That is some fine stuff OP!
haha wow thanks. but yeah alot of times during the builds, im wishing i had different options to choose from, my imagination for building is quite high and i do feel limited by not just the mechanics, but by the options of items i have to work with. On the other hand, it forces me to be MORE creative with my builds.
wow im very glad you think so!! I honestly keep seeing all these top 10 and top 5 settlement build videso on youtube... but I dont ever see any of my builds lol. How do i get noticed? or get my builds featured? I aint trying to beg for attention, but my ultimate goal is to show th console gamers whats capable, if i give them inspiration and motivation to build awesome structures, we will see all sorts of new crazy ideas!!
I apreciate it !!! Cheers
Played everyday since release so far. Your welcome, but more importanty, glad you enjoyed it.
Plants are obtained through collecting the picket fence magazines. Thanks!
I really appreciate that Capin!! Please message me a link to your build when your done. Always super excited to see other builds!
Good to know that this is possible. I want to offer a few points, though.
Just to be clear, the 10 + Cha stat is not assumed. It is stated as the cap in the official guide. Obviously it can be incorrect or not tell all of the details since things can change between the guide writing and the final game release, but I just wanted to be clear that the cap is official from Bethesda's info provided to Prima for the guidebook, not anything assumed by players.
Note that the guide does not offer any sort of caveat that the cap doesn't apply to the radio beacon or that the beacon has anything to do with population growth other than speeding up the rate at which settlers are attracted.
Also, please note that I have had settlements with extremely high defense, well over 100 and a few multiples of food + water, and they have still been attacked, even almost wiped out as far as crops and defenses are concerned. There have been others who have posted here with the same or similar experiences. I would say that the OP has had some good luck with his specific play thru but that it may not happen the same the next time.
Obviously, who knows what will happen once the patches from Bethesda begin being applied.
Hmm good points, thanks for the info.
Question....Do you still think my 62 ppl is a bug in the game or have a theory on how I got al these settlers? I also have 40 ppl at castle, 36 at murkwater station and 30 at another place... And they all populated on their own. (Ofcourse i have built things there). I am curious to find out, what i triggered or might have done to get all that. Has to be an unknown factor becuase I have other friends who also have settlements in the 30+ range of settlers.
Yeah I hope it isn't something we tell our kids one day about all the crazy stuff we used to do back in the day.