Hey Guys, so I just wanted to clear up a few things...
I did not cheat to get this many settlers here, nor did I send them all here from other places. I actual have a couple settlements at 30+ settlers.
Remember!!! Recruitment beacon is no capped.
I will be posting a how to video soon on getting settlers, as I am still testing my theories on how exactly i did it, i believe there are a few factors that are concerned, however, the biggest factors in high number of settlers is, TIME and high level, and having all the needs of settlers met.
Starlight drive in, i built on day 3 after release (just a shanty shack with sleeping bags etc...beacon food etc and i was probably levl 15 to 20..) However, I built it to cover 40 people comfortably. 40 beds, food water, and probably 150 defense. (i go overboard on defense.) it took my a couple days of returning to starlight as the settlers came in and assigning them to jobs. After i had 10 ppl, i left. AND NEVER RETURNED!! Didnt have a reason to return, it was never attacked and i forgot about it really. Well that was like 3 weeks ago, and a few days ago, i was bored, and travelled there randomly...to find 65 ppl. At first i thought it was glitch... restarted the game. reloaded save point. then i actually walked aorund physically counting ppl and was like holy crap there really are this many ppl here.
So i started sending ppl AWAY, but after i sent 3 settlers to other settlements... i stopped...and realized i should probably take this opportunity to build something huge and keep them all here.
My murkwater construction settlement is at 36 ppl, so i am trying to conclude and confirm what i am doing to get lots of people before telling everyone a guarunteed strategy.
My current level is 104, no exploits...its legit. My builds however, i used the workbench exploit to increase the build limit size on ps4. (havent had any significant decrease in performance yet, although frame rate does drop low sometimes, but not all the time.)
Keys to high numbers of settlers:
Recruitment beacon. (Only need 1)
HIGH defense. (my settlement was neverattacked i think due to such high defense rating deterred attacks)
ample food water and getting rid of radiation.
Supply lines. I have 60 supply lines running through all 24 of my settlement. (roughly 3 provisioners from each settlement set out in every direction)
Most important. ......
TIME. Get the settlement started, built up. and LEAVE it ALONE.
The settlements i visit the LEAST, have the most ppl, 62 at starlight, 36 at murwater, 40 at castle... 30 at sactuary...etc....
But I appreciate the comments guys!!
Id love to answer more questions.