Having the ability to customize my mods to a degree is a very common request; people like to have some features but not all, or they want to bind a different key, etc. So I routinely create things with control variables that can allow modular function and make a setup script.
Most often I add a ring to inventory that runs the script when equipped, and is removed when the script is complete. The final message during setup either gives the name of the setup script to run again, or the name of a variable that can be toggled to get the ring again.
I have a number of concerns with the various common methods though.
- I don't like having my inventory cluttered with setup items, especially ones that stay forever. It breaks immersion, though I hesitate to get rid of them, so I usually end up with some small container in my house that holds all of those.
- Giving the IDs for some console command is tedious and not very effective. Nobody remembers them, so it's necessary to refer to the readme and hope it's in there; if not then you have to ask the author or dig through the mod in the CS....it's just a hassle.
- Using an NPC gives the possibility of killing them and not being able to run the setup.
- I *despise* mods that automatically run the setup upon game load or chargen completion. If you use NOM and GCD together you ought to know what I mean...the scripts get tangled up and compete to show messageboxes because they end up running at the same time.
So yeah, I am definitely open to ideas. Is there a mod you've come across that has a great setup method? Or do you have a clever idea on a way to do it?