Several papyrus questions

Post » Thu Mar 20, 2014 1:49 am

Hello everyone, first post here

I'm new to Papyrus and not that skilled in the TESCK yet, but well versed in other editors and languages.

I bumped into several issues while trying to create small quest line, and was hoping that you could help me.

I'll list the issues:

- I've copied a few magic caster turrets from the trap warehouse, one with button activation and one with triggerbox activation, but neither of them spawn with a soul gem and thus do not work, why does this happen?

- I'm attempting to create a timed trap where the following happens:

When you enter the trigger box two portcullises close and a timer starts.

Every X seconds a fire sprout turns on.

When 3-4 rotating puzzle stones are set to the correct combination, the trap stops.

I'm good at scripting and have gotten the timing and triggering to work, but i cannot get the portcullises or fire sprout traps to react to my script, i have tried to .Activate() them but it does not seem to have any effect.

I hope i've phrased this right and placed in in the correct subforum, thanks for your help in advance.

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brian adkins
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Post » Thu Mar 20, 2014 12:55 pm

For the soul gem spellcaster traps, You need to also place a soul gem with them in the editor, and then link the two references together. It won't automatically spawn a gem -- the trap script searches for a linked reference gem and then uses that if it finds it. The soul gem and the trap both have specific scripts that need to be attached to them if I recall correctly - try to look at how some of the others are set up if you can (you can find them easily if you right click on the trap object in the editor window, and select "Use Info" -- then just double click on any trap in the list and it will load into the editor window so you can inspect it)

I'm not very good with other kinds of traps, but I'm sure some of the dungeon designers here will chime in to help with that side of things :smile:

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