I'm currently running pretty advanced and stocked settlements at 3 specific locations (Spectacle Island, Sanctuary Hills, and the Drive In). They've all hovered right around 75% happiness for the past 6 days (real life time) and crash to about 50% each every day. They'll be perfectly fine when I go to the specific settlement that is struggling, but as soon as I fast travel to another location, another settlement plummets. They're all around 18 settlers, 60 food and 60 water, 60 power, 140 defense, and 30 beds. For example, every time I leave Sanctuary to go to Spectacle Island, the 34 beds that I have on the settlement mysteriously vanish on the Pip-Boy Workshop screen and has "0" in it's place. But when I go back they suddenly appear on that menu, and when I talk to the settlers with all 34 beds listed, they say there's a bed shortage. Does anyone have any suggestions to fix this problem, or can I even fix it in the first place?