Shader issues

Post » Sun Oct 02, 2011 8:30 am

Hey i found out about nehrim and started to play. I tried some more advanced and detailed shaders, and the game looks great, but when i go back to oblivion, the same shader list not only looks funny, but i have a low performance, and i start inside. :P

heres my shader list


Well i think its eiither one of these things

a. In nehrim, some of the shaders are just not working and i dont know that
b. The shader order matters for oblivion but not nehrim (not sure why)
c. I tried to install liquid water then realised you can;t use sm3 shaders or the shader list so i just dont use it, but the files might be interfering
d. an oblivion mod is conflicting.

I also have some other questions

1.The current shader lost i have, would someone consider it the highest quality? I do know it is a matter of prefrence, are their beter versions of these shaders?
2. When using shaders, should i force my card to AA or AF? for better quality?
3. If you guys need my mod list, whats the easiest way to copy and paste t in a spiler thing, does ObMM or wyre bash have somehwere i can do that?

I might be playing halo so i may not respond right away. thank you !
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