I: What is it?
II: Projects in the Works
III: What You Can Do!
IV: Release (Coming Later)
V: The Team
SECTION I: What is it?
Shadow Softworks is a new modding team that originally formed to create the city of Sutch. However, although Sutch is still our main mod, we have expanded our horizons to doing a number of projects, pooling our resources together to do multiple mods, with team members choosing which projects they'd like to be a part of. Anyone who is on the team can claim anything available, ranging from models, concept art, textures, interiors, exteriors, scripting, or quests.
SECTION II: Projects in the Works
Quote from the website (thank you Modman): The Horror of Sutch: A City in Ruins.
In the lands of Colovia, the ancient Rourken Dwemer built a city to mark the southern boundary of their territory. When they vanished from history, the city sat empty except for the mechanical devices of Dwemer craft that continue to scurry about and guard the secrets that Dwemer once kept.
Goblins initially settled the first few levels, but though the resident clans worship the remnants of the Dwemer, even they dare not venture too deep in the ruins. For the Dwemer here were not the Dwemer of Morrowind; their technology had evolved here, no longer vital is a mystical connection to a dead god, this technology is driven by hot steam and cold logic.
The Redguard found the city and added it to their province of Hammerfell, despite the goblin infestation. As ridding goblins from a ruin is a task for generations, the Redguard claimed the first level of the ruins and the land above. Ships would sail from this southern camp to the Redguard cities to the north. Over the decades, the ships that would return intending to supply a camp began to bring supplies for a village, then a town, and finally after many years, Sutch became an unintentional Redguard city.
It was cheaper to contract labor from the neighboring Colovian city-states to build the city and many workers stayed to live in the city they had built, but those Redguard with wealth insisted on architecture from their homeland, in this way Sutch became a city of mixed cultures and architectures, and an important city of trade. It grew over the ages until Tiber Septim turned his wrath on Colovia and destroyed Sutch as an example to it's neighbors. The city has never been fully rebuilt, but newer sections exist on the outskirts and many buildings in the ruins have been restored with private funds.
Today, the city is still in ruins, though the outlying suburbs are growing. Powerful criminals, nefarious guilds, and dangerously charismatic cults rule over sections of the ruins recruiting desperate minions. The homeless inhabit a shanty town and live on scraps and theft. While smaller fishing boats are generally not harassed; the port is ruled by pirates, cut-throats and those brave enough to stand with, or against them.
Under the city remain the legacy of the Dwemer; an infestation of goblins, and the restless spirits of the past.
Quote from the website (Thank you Anne): Wait, what? You dont want to fight plenty of god-like bosses and their minions, in a fight to the death as you struggle for you life? Man, I should've thought this through...
As you wander the streets in all you glory, having vanquished many a foe, a Wood Elf approaches you, you exchange brief words, the Elf hands you a piece of parchment and leaves you there. Bewildered, you hold the parchment up. It states you have been invited to compete in 'The League', one of the most prestigious tourneys in all of Tamriel, and that you are to go to an old house in the Jerall Mountains.
Do you have what it takes to eliminate your enemies, and conquer The League?
The rewards may be great, but the risks are far greater...
Small weapons mod that also creates a shop that will sell the WAR weapons in Skingrad.
SECTION III: What You Can Do!
Anyone who can contribute is welcome, from general discussion, concept art, and literature to modelling, texturing, interiors, exteriors, scripting and questing. At the moment, concept artists are high priority so that more modelling can be completed. But whatever your skill, head on down to the website, sign up, and introduce yourself! The more modders the merrier!

SECTION V: Release (Coming Later)
Anne (TodaY) - Team Lead, Textures, Modelling, Construction Set, Lore, Chainsaw Master
Modman - Administrator, Models, Lore
4 Greyhounds - Administrator, Construction Set, Lore, Writing, General Clown
Teh Buddha - Modelling, Textures, Construction Set, Lore
Alonso - Modelling
UK47 - Modelling, Animation, Textures, Construction Set, Scripting
Lucifer - Scripting, Questing, Construction Set
Koolaiddude - Construction Set
Cody - Lore, Writing
Check us out!