I mess up the rotation then I ended up finding the Ebony Mail which gives off a continous poison area of effect if an enemy is close by. It does 5 damage per second what I have found is I can literally stand next to an enemy or a group of enemies and while they are searching for me I can literally sit their with the Ebony Mail and the Shadowcloak of Nocturnal on they will slowly die and since it's an area of effect many enemies can all die slowly and at the same time. The other factor is that the poison effect does not count towards attacking an enemy while being invisible. I don't mind this but the fact that the Shadowcloak of Nocturnal can last me forever I believe it's to powerful I assume this is a bug.
Note enemies are still able to spot me and attack but that only happens ever so often. It's when theirs an enemy that uses magic or if it's an animal that I get attacked the most. Also even if your attacked and invisible usaully does not break effect unless hit excessively. Like I said I like being able to go invisible but the way it is now is to overpowered and I feel a bit bored with it. Theirs also the fact that is costs no magic to use.