*psst* GT5 isn't full hd, it's 1280x1080

Also, when i played gt5 i was not impressed, there are better looking xbox games. The other ps3 exclusives like uncharted and killzone show off what it's capable of, but that's still a good few miles of crysis (a 2007 PC game).
Also, owning one platform doesn't make you a fanboy, constantly spouting inaccuracies and claiming them as fact makes you one ^^
Anyways, reading up on the Ps3 ray tracing, i'm interested in what tricks they pulled. Since it is most definitely not real ray tracing

More likely it only does a very specific portion of the screen (maybe edges signalled by the programmers? Since looking up a nice article someone did while testing them found that they only handled 10 spheres and one light source at ~1000x500 at around 12fps, so it can only be at a very reduced resolution on specific objects for the games using it). As, to put it this way, a hd5870 can't handle full quality ray tracing (to my knowledge), and that's 5 times more computationally powerful than all of the 6 SPE's and the RSX

hmm, interesting, from the results of performance i predict an i7 could apparently butcher it's way through pretty ps3 style heavy ray tracing without breaking a sweat, with no real changes to how the ps3 handles things, of which the information is very little. I'm assuming, therefore, that it's low res and upscaled for the ps3.
I'm assuming those 'hateful comments' and spec spouting is in reaction to 'zomg ps3 moar powerful than PC1!!!!' ****

, count your bubble broken, it's nowhere close. Fact. If a ps4 was made tomorrow it'd be made from pc components, like the ps3 before it (although the cell was more like a secondary GPU-esque thing than a true cpu, hence the slow windows performance on ps3's when it could be done) so you better bet your lucky stars PC gaming is around eh? (and has been for 25 years, apparently dying every day. Even if dying means growing in reality XD)