Shadowing and lighting

Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 10:00 pm

Wow i found this video of a Cryengine 3 demo on youtube and this guy in the beginning is playing with a lamp. What i notice immediatly is the shadows. Wow i dont know what to say. Everything is real time "what you see is what you play" and the shadows are crystal clear. heres the link.
look at 1:34 where to lamp's light gets cut off. I have never seen anything better. its not like in other games where its blocky. I hope this is also for the xbox 360!!!
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Averielle Garcia
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 6:17 pm

Lighting in the original Crysis was great as well.

I believe the same result may happen as well on consoles, since we've had shadowing for a while now. It's still amazing how it's done, all in real time. I can only imagine a few objects not casting shadows for performance reasons, but other than that, I think lighting for all 3 platforms will be at it's best.

Crytek have made such a time saving engine! :)
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danni Marchant
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Post » Sun Jan 02, 2011 3:07 am

It'll run like that, just with some cutbacks on the 360 (much lower cap on number of shadows at once, lower resolutions shadows ect.) :)
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Matthew Aaron Evans
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Post » Sun Jan 02, 2011 1:06 am

If that's the same demo I am thinking about I got the impression that the shadows updated in real time in the world editor, not necessarily in game. Although he did say that this was a benefit of the engine that all the light maps were real-time and not pre-baked like in some games. Although these shadow effects have been around in games like F.E.A.R. and Doom3 so they're not new. In another video a level designer was showing how some of the light maps were textures. Thus we'll have to see on release.

I have seen a Cryengine 2 v 3 demo and one of the cutbacks they had made for the consoles was shadow update time and fidelity. In Crysis lots of shadows for buildings and destructibles updated in real-time. On Cryengine 3 the shadow textures and FPS were quite low.
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His Bella
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Post » Sun Jan 02, 2011 6:30 am

If that's the same demo I am thinking about I got the impression that the shadows updated in real time in the world editor, not necessarily in game.
Generally, if it does it in the Editor, it does it in-game. There'd likely be limitations on what the Editor can do before limitations on what the engine can do in-game. That's one of the strongest points of CryENGINE, is everything is done real-time. :)
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Anna Krzyzanowska
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 7:49 pm

This was already in the original Crysis.
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Becky Palmer
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Post » Sun Jan 02, 2011 4:00 am

I have seen a Cryengine 2 v 3 demo and one of the cutbacks they had made for the consoles was shadow update time and fidelity. In Crysis lots of shadows for buildings and destructibles updated in real-time. On Cryengine 3 the shadow textures and FPS were quite low.

I don't see how would that matter. I mean, why would they limit the PC like that just because the consoles couldn't handle that? They could put a limit on consoles, while leaving it as is or improving it for the PC. Doing it any other way just wouldn't make sense.
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Laura Wilson
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 2:56 pm

I prefer they not use the raster rendering techniques for global illumination for playstation 3's edition of crysis 2 & take advantage of interactive ray tracing capabilities of the cell processor which is much more effective,efficient & realistic.
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My blood
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 3:30 pm

I prefer they not use the raster rendering techniques for global illumination for playstation 3's edition of crysis 2 & take advantage of interactive ray tracing capabilities of the cell processor which is much more effective,efficient & realistic.

Ugh. I remember seeing your blind Sony-praising posts while I was lurking.
This is a video of that in action:
So it takes THREE Playstation 3s in order to render a simple scene with only one car. There is also loads of lag. That's not good at all. Please understand the content of your links before throwing around any link that even remotely hints of the Playstation 3 being powerful. It's really not powerful, especially nowadays.
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Lawrence Armijo
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 10:56 pm

I prefer they not use the raster rendering techniques for global illumination for playstation 3's edition of crysis 2 & take advantage of interactive ray tracing capabilities of the cell processor which is much more effective,efficient & realistic.

Ugh. I remember seeing your blind Sony-praising posts while I was lurking.
This is a video of that in action:
So it takes THREE Playstation 3s in order to render a simple scene with only one car. There is also loads of lag. That's not good at all. Please understand the content of your links before throwing around any link that even remotely hints of the Playstation 3 being powerful. It's really not powerful, especially nowadays.
Wow! You just raqed that guy with words! Lol You can tell he's a PS3 fanboy just from his name alone. Sure, I own a 360, but I don't go around touting it as being the best. The best gaming platform is the PC if you have the money. That's why I purchased an Xbox 360. It's cheap, powerful (by 2005 standards), and it gets the job done. Here's to hoping they will one day soon release a console that is TRUELY "future proof".
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Dagan Wilkin
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 10:08 pm

well it is shown
in dx9 so it would be console ready
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kyle pinchen
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 10:59 pm

Seriously are you that ignorant?

Ray tracer on the Playstation 3 / Cell Broadband Engine - Part 1

PS3's cell rendering in real-time Wwith out the RSX:

Lightning software for PS3 in action:
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Jeremy Kenney
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Post » Sun Jan 02, 2011 3:05 am

Now, now.
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Charlotte X
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Post » Sun Jan 02, 2011 3:37 am

it dose not take 3 playstation 3's to render cars nor tracks in full hd unscaled using interactive ray tracing with the cell processor.

Gran Turismo 5 Rome gameplay:

here's some more games to take advantage of the cell processor's irt cabilities more below to come...


Killzone 3:

im not a fanboy for owning one gaming platform & i choose this name because people gave me this nick on of how informed i am about the company & their products not for the reason some people on these threads are labeling me as.Also im just proving a point here that playstatyion 3 can handle whatever crytek & other developers can dish out to the cell processor & these games are speaking for themselves.Maybe it's some of you who are the fanboys with all your hateful bashing on consoles,pc gaming hardware specs spouting & trying to drive other platform gamers that don't play games on pc out of these threads.
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Laura Elizabeth
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Post » Sun Jan 02, 2011 2:09 am

*psst* GT5 isn't full hd, it's 1280x1080 :P

Also, when i played gt5 i was not impressed, there are better looking xbox games. The other ps3 exclusives like uncharted and killzone show off what it's capable of, but that's still a good few miles of crysis (a 2007 PC game).

Also, owning one platform doesn't make you a fanboy, constantly spouting inaccuracies and claiming them as fact makes you one ^^

Anyways, reading up on the Ps3 ray tracing, i'm interested in what tricks they pulled. Since it is most definitely not real ray tracing :) More likely it only does a very specific portion of the screen (maybe edges signalled by the programmers? Since looking up a nice article someone did while testing them found that they only handled 10 spheres and one light source at ~1000x500 at around 12fps, so it can only be at a very reduced resolution on specific objects for the games using it). As, to put it this way, a hd5870 can't handle full quality ray tracing (to my knowledge), and that's 5 times more computationally powerful than all of the 6 SPE's and the RSX :)

hmm, interesting, from the results of performance i predict an i7 could apparently butcher it's way through pretty ps3 style heavy ray tracing without breaking a sweat, with no real changes to how the ps3 handles things, of which the information is very little. I'm assuming, therefore, that it's low res and upscaled for the ps3.

I'm assuming those 'hateful comments' and spec spouting is in reaction to 'zomg ps3 moar powerful than PC1!!!!' **** :P, count your bubble broken, it's nowhere close. Fact. If a ps4 was made tomorrow it'd be made from pc components, like the ps3 before it (although the cell was more like a secondary GPU-esque thing than a true cpu, hence the slow windows performance on ps3's when it could be done) so you better bet your lucky stars PC gaming is around eh? (and has been for 25 years, apparently dying every day. Even if dying means growing in reality XD)
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Captian Caveman
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 3:54 pm

Go properly educate yourself on the fundamentals of game designing & computer science before you go around attempting to correct others because playstation 3 is most certainly is capable of real time ray tracing & displaying games in full hd unscaled.

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Devin Sluis
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 3:08 pm

Go properly educate yourself on the fundamentals of game designing & computer science before you go around attempting to correcting others.
I haven't seen any evidence of you being an "expert", unlike Comfy. Comfy can back up his statements with facts. I'm not bashing you but it's true.
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Marquis deVille
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 5:03 pm

I would actually agree with the two above.

It's been a while since you last visited here thatsonyguy1981. I think whatever Crytek deliver will be good anyways.
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Kara Payne
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 11:15 pm

it's pretty clear most of you obviously don't fundamentally understand all the components true capabilities inside the playstation 3 im done wasting my energy providing solid proof when all your going to do is deny it up & down like ignorant fools!
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Post » Sun Jan 02, 2011 2:56 am

it's pretty clear most of you obviously don't fundamentally understand all the components true capabilities inside the playstation 3 im done wasting my energy providing solid proof when all your going to do is deny it up & down like ignorant fools!
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Naughty not Nice
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Post » Sun Jan 02, 2011 5:40 am

Go properly educate yourself on the fundamentals of game designing & computer science before you go around attempting to correct others because playstation 3 is most certainly is capable of real time ray tracing & displaying games in full hd unscaled.

Yes, the ps3 can deliver 1920x1080p games, but a very small number. Those will be games from the beginning of it's life cycle or those which are not graphically demanding. Most current games run at 1280x720 at best on current consoles, even less in some cases. It's why they built in methods of upscaling in the first place. If the ps3 could run all games at 1080p like you claim, why bother? PC graphics card's certainly don't.

I am interested as to why you seem to think hardware with a total peak processing power ~400-500GFLOP (ps3) is more powerful than a machine pushing ~3TFLOPS (something like a hd5870+i7) though. It's a nice little world you live in there, since by your logic, computers 60 years ago were more powerful!

For additional 'funny factor', to achieve true ray tracing at even ~1920x1080 resolutions you need several computers arranged in a cluster, and it still takes huge amounts of time to render even a few minutes of video. Do you think your £200 box of tricks is better? Seriously? because i don't see pixar rocking ps3's for their rendering.

However, it is nice to see you sony guy, you always provide me with many funny moments! :D
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Alyce Argabright
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Post » Sun Jan 02, 2011 12:42 am

it dose not take 3 playstation 3's to render cars nor tracks in full hd unscaled using interactive ray tracing with the cell processor.

Gran Turismo 5 Rome gameplay:

here's some more games to take advantage of the cell processor's irt cabilities more below to come...


Killzone 3:

im not a fanboy for owning one gaming platform & i choose this name because people gave me this nick on of how informed i am about the company & their products not for the reason some people on these threads are labeling me as.Also im just proving a point here that playstatyion 3 can handle whatever crytek & other developers can dish out to the cell processor & these games are speaking for themselves.Maybe it's some of you who are the fanboys with all your hateful bashing on consoles,pc gaming hardware specs spouting & trying to drive other platform gamers that don't play games on pc out of these threads.

You know whats funny? All of those games are nothing but smoke & mirrors graphics and actually look like my turds in the toilet once you looks past the heavy motion blur to obscure the measly 20 - 30fps those games achieve.

How about you go run along, play Crysis Warhead on Enthusiast 1200p @ DX10 AA16xQ, and then try playing Metro 2033 maxed out on a PC. My NVIDIA GeForce GTX 570 can run Crysis Warhead with every single feature and slider completely maxed out and get 40fps in 1200p, yet those amazing PS3's are running mostly 720p games at only 20 - 30fps with graphics about 1/5th as good. Hmmm.. I also get 90fps in Bad Company 2 with every possible feature and slider maxed out in DX11 1200p, and yet again, those PS3's are pushing out 30fps in 720p at a fraction of the graphics scale. My PC can also finish over 16 Work Units in Folding@home in the same amount of time it takes a PS3 to finish a single Work Unit...

Until you play these games at these graphics, your logic is about as good as those PS3 games you mentioned... turd. Watching a youtube video and actually playing these games are two completely different things, also.
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michael danso
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Post » Sun Jan 02, 2011 6:14 am

Oh also I heard the trees in GT5 where made with the same techniques that was used to make realistic trees on the N64 Era.
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Nathan Risch
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 10:51 pm

Right. A few things:

@hark - Don't antagonise people. This first sentence in your post was not required and was the catalyst for this entire argument.

@S1L3NT SH0T 419 - Don't antagonise people. The first half of your post was not required. Don't add fuel to the fire.

@thatsonyguy1981 - Calling people ignorant fools, telling people to properly educate themselves and then proceeding to waste my time with reports on peoples posts who then respond to these attacks from you will not be tolerated. Instead, you should've reported the original attacks on you before responding to them and participating in this argument yourself.

Cut the crap guys. Learn to get along or your posting privileges will be removed.
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Naomi Ward
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 8:46 pm

Sooo.... back to my topic guys...
i am not a fanbox for the xbox 360 or anything but:
Although the PS3 is more powerful, i would rather play crysis 2 with a bit of glitches and antialising on xbox than PS3 no glitches but spark pixes - no antalising. Yes, the PS3 does not have antialising. Crysis 2 will be a groundbreaking game on both of the consoles and in my opinion, there is no difference on either of then and nothing that you guys say or show me will change my opinion so stop fighting and lets talk about Shadowing D:<
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