On Mondas 22nd of Suns’ Dusk the year 3E 430 Neravar set off with his Expedition to Akavir, a fleet of no more than 20 ships in total. During that time the Tamriel changed in many ways. During that time he was gone heroes rose and fell like the sun across the land as it always did, laws and times changed. Neravar returned with a fleet of 22 vessels. Some were damaged and had been repaired others were of a different design seen in Tamriel.the fleet arrived in Necrom, where the men and their...new acquisitions were welcomed back to the known lands of Tamriel. They brought back new foods, treasures and all sorts from Akavir including two Po’tun Slaves.
Many months later after the hype of the return of Neravar he seemed to disappear from public view. Slowly over time people started talking of strange things being seen at Red Mountain by pilgrims who visit the ghost gate and the shrine built there to commemorate the defeat of Dagoth Ur.
It has been a decade since Neravars’ return and things have started to change drastically. He has taken control of great house Hlaalu, while not a surprise to anyone for the most part something has been seen as a little off in methods. Funds being funnelled from the houses treasury to unknown parties, that sort of thing, but it seems the expeditionary force that returned brought with it, its own haunts. One late night the town of Necrom has been attacked by unknown adversaries. This is where we start...
OK rules are simple
1 No character control
2 Romance is good but… you know nothing graphic

3 PM characters to me first please and provide detailed sheets

4 Please use common sense
5 Sub-plots are fine as long as they don’t alter the main story line
6 Vurry important, Have fun!
My Character:
Name: Kazzari
Age: 22
Race: Ka’Po Tun/Khajiit Hybrid
Gender: Male
Birthsign: Serpant
Class: Ranger
Skills: Long Blade, Medium Armour, Hand to hand, Alchemy, Restoration, Sneak Acrobatics, Athletics and Pathfinding.
Height: 6ft 4in
Weight: 102 Kg
Build: Kazzari holds a rather athletic build well suited for his particular profession.
Eye colour: Ice Blue
Fur colour: Light tan with pale stripes running through it.
Armour: Currently he wears dark leather with metal plates inserted at particular locations across the armour. Green cloak fitted to it with a hood.
Clothing: Black long pants and dark green forester’s shirt, emerald amulet and a gold ring.
Weapons: Silver Akaviri katana enchanted with moderate frost damage, Steel longbow, steel arrows
Personality: Kazz is a bit of a double edged blade, he can be very likeable and generally is easy to get along with. While in turn he also holds a nasty temper when angered or taunted.
Bio: Kazzari was born on one of the ships that left from Akavir on the return trip. He was raised for the most part on the vessels until they reached the city of Necrom and landed. After that kazz, his mother and now escaped father travelled for a bit staying at many small villages where kazzari was taught the ways of living off the land. He was taught how to fight and stay alive as well as treat his own injuries. His parents finally settled down in old Ebonheart using their skills to train people and make a living. He moved out when he was 20 and has for the most part lived off the land with a small house in Old Ebonheart and Necrom.