
Post » Sat Nov 19, 2011 6:41 am

I don't know if anyone else has had this problem, but it lists Shahvee as a NPC you can marry, yet there is no discernible quest to help her, and the only conversation option is "Why are you so happy?". Did I miss something, or is this a bug/glitch? (Side note, I did complete the quest for the male argonian there, if that has anything to do with it.)
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lisa nuttall
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Post » Sat Nov 19, 2011 6:35 am

If thats the only option to say to her then that means shes already getting it good from another man so thats why she is happy and doesn't need you.
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 3:33 pm

Are you wearing the amulet of mara?
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Jessica Phoenix
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 4:05 pm

Are you wearing the amulet of mara?

Yeah, I'm wearing the amulet, but there's still no option.
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Lisa Robb
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Post » Sat Nov 19, 2011 2:58 am

I would really like an answer to this, I have been completely unable to trigger her even offering me a quest, and I can't figure out why that is.

Anyone who has gotten the quest from her, could you say what the name of the quest is and how far along into the main story you were when you got it, or any other info that might help?
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Post » Sat Nov 19, 2011 4:13 am

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Post » Sat Nov 19, 2011 4:41 am

bump again
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 10:33 pm

Bumping this aswell, I've done alot of asking around and searching and I've come down to:

You need to do one of the following:

- Blood on the Ice (Windhelm Murder Mystery quest)
- Companions quest chain

Or We're just very unlucky. I've still been unable to get her dialogue

I would test Blood on the ice but I'm having major troubles triggering it.
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 3:11 pm

I will try doing the Blood on the Ice quest, I don't have it yet but that's the one about solving the murders in Windhelm, right? I've seen npcs talk about it but never gotten the quest, I suppose I'll wander around windhelm some and see if I can't get the quest. Who is supposed to give you the quest, by the way?

Also, through some experimenting, having the amulet or Mara or not doesn't seem to make a difference towards triggering her offering the quest. I also tried manually giving myself Shahvee's amulet, and it didn't matter. I guess because I didn't get it legit through a quest, she didn't care that I had it. Nor did putting it in her inventory make a difference for anything.

Hmm, perhaps to trigger the Blood on the Ice quest you need to be a Stormcloak? this is just an idea, because I can't get it to trigger.
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Post » Sat Nov 19, 2011 2:23 am

I will try doing the Blood on the Ice quest, I don't have it yet but that's the one about solving the murders in Windhelm, right? I've seen npcs talk about it but never gotten the quest, I suppose I'll wander around windhelm some and see if I can't get the quest. Who is supposed to give you the quest, by the way?

Also, through some experimenting, having the amulet or Mara or not doesn't seem to make a difference towards triggering her offering the quest. I also tried manually giving myself Shahvee's amulet, and it didn't matter. I guess because I didn't get it legit through a quest, she didn't care that I had it. Nor did putting it in her inventory make a difference for anything.

Hmm, perhaps to trigger the Blood on the Ice quest you need to be a Stormcloak? this is just an idea, because I can't get it to trigger.

I've done the blood on the ice quest without being a Stromcloak, but that didn't help me get the option for the quest. The only thing I haven't done is finish the previously mentioned Companions storyline, though I fail to see how that would affect Shahvee. Maybe this NPC is bugged?
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 3:54 pm

Hmm, I've been completely unable to get the Blood on the Ice questline to trigger- no one ever appears in the graveyard, there's no crime scene no matter how many times I enter or leave or what time of night I do it, but that might be unrelated anyway.

I was thinking it might've mattered because don't you get a house from that?
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 5:39 pm

Well if players have managed to complete Blood on the Ice and still have no luck with Shahvee I'll say its safe to assume it isn't relevant.

My only guess is the companions quest. Theres no reason her trigger would be random, as I've spoken to her on several different occasions between quests.
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Emma Pennington
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 6:47 pm

I finished the Blood and Ice murder quest and STILL cannot get Shahvee to offer her favor quest.

I did notice one thing - based on one of the wiki's she is part of some 402FavorQuestGiver faction, and I noticed that the only OTHER npc in that faction was, in fact, someone I was doing a favor for.. It was the one for.. his name starts with an A, avanor or some such, and he wanted a sword or something of his family.. He's in Whiterun. Perhaps there's some sort of 'cool down' for being offered the favor from that same set? I completed his task, but she didn't offer me a favor, even still. Maybe some folks never took his favor, and thus, got hers? 100% shot in the dark, but hey.

I likely will be starting another character soon and I will avoid his favor task just to be safe. Sadly, though, Shahvee continues to elude my affections. :(
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Post » Sat Nov 19, 2011 12:57 am

I finished the Blood and Ice murder quest and STILL cannot get Shahvee to offer her favor quest.

I did notice one thing - based on one of the wiki's she is part of some 402FavorQuestGiver faction, and I noticed that the only OTHER npc in that faction was, in fact, someone I was doing a favor for.. It was the one for.. his name starts with an A, avanor or some such, and he wanted a sword or something of his family.. He's in Whiterun. Perhaps there's some sort of 'cool down' for being offered the favor from that same set? I completed his task, but she didn't offer me a favor, even still. Maybe some folks never took his favor, and thus, got hers? 100% shot in the dark, but hey.

I likely will be starting another character soon and I will avoid his favor task just to be safe. Sadly, though, Shahvee continues to elude my affections. :(

That's interesting. If you can remember his name and where he is specifically, can you post it? I'll see if maybe I have his quest in either my incompleted but accepted or completed pile of quests.

One thing about starting a new character though, is just because Shahvee offers you a quest doesn't mean it's because you didn't take his task, I've heard that starting a new file in general might fix the Shahvee thing. So try this when you do that - make a separate save, talk to Shahvee, see if she gives you that quest. If she does, reload a save from before she gave it to you, and go get/do the guys quest, and then see if Shahvee still gives you the quest. If she doesn't, then you've probably identified the issue.
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 10:05 pm

I'll try to find his name.. I believe it was was Amren, a dark skinned fellow walking around Whiterun. You can see what I'm referring to - - on that page. As for Shahvee, I've talked to her dozens of times throughout my adventure from various saves and quicksaves, and never got it to pop up. But I'll try specifically saving and swapping in a moment here, to be sure!

Edit: Unfortunately, as I mentioned in my post above, I DID complete his task and it didn't let me get hers after that, but there may be some kind of refresh/lock-out or something with same favor factions, not sure.. I imagine once we get the toolset it'll be relatively easy to find out, at least!

Another edit: I also can't get Marshes to say anything about marriage, so there may be some Argonian-faction specific quest in the city that I missed.. There's one about wages and something with potions, I've heard, but I have found neither.. I did the sailing company, the murders, a few dark elf ones, anything I could find.
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Jessica Stokes
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Post » Sat Nov 19, 2011 2:17 am

Well, I hadn't done Amren's quest or even accepted it, and I was unable to receive Shahvee's quest. I found and accepted Amren's quest, and was still unable to get a quest from Shahvee. I completed Amren's quest, and still I can not get a quest from Shahvee.

So I don't think Shahvee not giving a quest is related to that.
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 3:17 pm

Well, I hadn't done Amren's quest or even accepted it, and I was unable to receive Shahvee's quest. I found and accepted Amren's quest, and was still unable to get a quest from Shahvee. I completed Amren's quest, and still I can not get a quest from Shahvee.

So I don't think Shahvee not giving a quest is related to that.

Darn.. based on her faction I was hoping that was some sort've missing link. :(

Back to the drawing board, as it were.
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Post » Sat Nov 19, 2011 3:36 am

There is a console command to manually start quests - "StartQuest" - can someone post what the name or questid of Shahvee's quest is? Could probably use the console command to manually start it.
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james tait
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Post » Sat Nov 19, 2011 5:59 am

Thats a good idea, if we have exhausted all possibilities this much in hopes to find a solution, I say finding her quest ID is fair game.

Awesome work narrowing it down to the favor group, even if Amren is not the key. Deffinatley alot warmer then anything else we thought.
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krystal sowten
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Post » Sat Nov 19, 2011 3:06 am

I got the quest to work after. All I did was run around the town, talking to everyone and picking up misc. quests, and after doing a bunch of those, as well as getting sidetracked for caves and whatnot a hundred times, her quest dialogue suddenly appeared for me. Exactly what i did I'm not 100% sure of, but I did help out all argonians on the dock, stash the ring for the dark elf, do blood on the ice, and helped out a few others, like the guy who wanted me to kill bandits. ( I still had not done the Companions quests, and I had completed Armen or whoevers quest. )
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Shianne Donato
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 3:01 pm

So, having finished the main story on my first character I started anew.

I hopped a carriage to Riften, got my amulet, and went STRAIGHT to Shahvee. I had the amulet on and was immediately offered her favor. I did ZERO tasks in the town beforehand. I did not do ANY quests that have been mentioned her. No favors for argonians, no blood and ice, nothing.

I was baffled that she offered it, my character was maybe level 5. I did the first side quest dungeon with the claw, hit Winterhold, bought a few spells, and was of to get my amulet and hook up with Shahvee.

I feel convinced it has to be bugged in some fashion - my other character did every quest in that town I could find and never was offered, but my brand new character hadn't even set foot inside the town and went straight to the docks and got her to accept. Crazy.

Edit: Another observation - my first character had the mage sign and did magic/one-handers/smithing and such. My second character had thief sign and is stealth focused, Shahvee, upon finishing her task, mentioned previously being a thief and trained me in a couple thieving skills. May or may not be relevant at all.
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anna ley
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 8:03 pm

So, having finished the main story on my first character I started anew.

I hopped a carriage to Riften, got my amulet, and went STRAIGHT to Shahvee. I had the amulet on and was immediately offered her favor. I did ZERO tasks in the town beforehand. I did not do ANY quests that have been mentioned her. No favors for argonians, no blood and ice, nothing.

I was baffled that she offered it, my character was maybe level 5. I did the first side quest dungeon with the claw, hit Winterhold, bought a few spells, and was of to get my amulet and hook up with Shahvee.

I feel convinced it has to be bugged in some fashion - my other character did every quest in that town I could find and never was offered, but my brand new character hadn't even set foot inside the town and went straight to the docks and got her to accept. Crazy.

Edit: Another observation - my first character had the mage sign and did magic/one-handers/smithing and such. My second character had thief sign and is stealth focused, Shahvee, upon finishing her task, mentioned previously being a thief and trained me in a couple thieving skills. May or may not be relevant at all.

This is really interesting. Having to start the entire game over is not really an acceptable solution, though...

Also I don't think the sign/skills have anything to do with it. I'm using a character that has more agile/melee/thief focused skills and haven't gotten an offer.

Edit - Since you were able to get the quest, can you post the name of her quest, and the quest id? You can use the console to look up the quest id of quests you have.
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Kayleigh Williams
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Post » Sat Nov 19, 2011 2:25 am

The quest ID is probably the best way to go, I doubt we'll find a solution for everyone.

That way we can just force the quest to begin and worry about another bug!
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Post » Sat Nov 19, 2011 2:48 am

lol you guys are lucky, shahvee isent even spawned for me or atleast shes not on the docks or stuck in the argonian assemblage.
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Amber Hubbard
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Post » Sat Nov 19, 2011 5:20 am

The issue is that not every favor is available to every player. I think it's part of Bethesda's efforts to prevent every two game from being alike. On one character, Shahvee wouldn't give me a quest, but I could get a quest in Whiterun to get a bard to stop harassing a woman. On this current character, I could get the Shahvee quest, but I couldn't get the bard one. I'm pretty sure the game generates a list of which NPCs will ask you favors, but I'm not sure at which point that list is generated.
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