But firstly, since I'd like you all to contribute (if you can), I'd like to establish a simple format for how to post your advice, so that the 'Advice' stands out from the 'Comments'.
Body type; Class
- Advice!
Note that the body type and class does not have to be specified and can simply be labelled 'General'
Here is some advice I could think of;
General; General
- Train yourself to perceive the entirety of a battle, by giving yourself the time to take a step back and scan your surroundings - don't just keep a narrow focus on your self-made objective.
Light&Medium; General
- Know where your cover is every second of the way, train yourself to notice every potential barrier whenever you enter a new environment. Once you are good at this, no one can effectively catch you off-guard.
Light; General
- Survival is key. In other words, don't focus on the kill: make survival your main priority. Once you start focusing solely on the kill-at-hand you will get caught out, and many times you will give your position away unnecessarily if you open fire as soon as you see someone. This is very important, if I don't already do this, try it; and watch how the kills just come to you.
Light&Medium; General
- Quick cover. Most people, when they take cover behind an object they tend to stay there for quite some time. Try to mess with the opposing player by taking cover, only to come back out a split-second later. He most likely will not be expecting this, thinking that he has a few seconds to prepare before you re-emerge.
Light; Medic
- Resurrecting people, then using them as decoys - we all do that, of course. But why not try it the other way around? Many medics like to run over people, ress them and then wait for them to become a distraction, upon which the medic will start helping out. Try to become the distraction yourself, you are light an agile; a soldier bred to bullet-dodge. If you go from exploiting your team-mates to putting yourself at risk for them - they will luv ya.
General; General
- What will I do next? Think in sequences! Develop the skill of continuously thinking 'at least' 3 steps ahead, start with out with more general things such as a chain of movement, and then try to hone that skill to a point where you can, in a split-second, work out how to kill the 4 guys that have you surrounded in a quick, smooth sequence. This is probably the best skill you can attain in terms of advanced gameplay, and in the past it has helped me several times to clear out 15+ people near the objective in MAG.
That's all I can think of for now, hopefully it's of use to you guys. If this thread gets any attention, I'll add a few more in the future. And also, I'd love to hear what advice you guys have to give.