I just made it my home page. Since I am on the computer several times a day and follow many video game news accounts on Twitter, I am getting all the info as soon as it is released!

I am relieved that they finally announced it. I'm excited sure, but we still have 11 months until release. I'm not spoiling my pants over it yet :wink_smile: .
True, but still! Excitement!
Yeah. That was my full experience. Needless to say, when my computer is built in May, I will be ready for this game. :celebration:
I am building my own soon as well. I am sick of having to play Oblivion in windowed at 640x480, with all graphics settings on low and mods to render less polygons. I guess my computer isn't that bad, I just don't have a dedicated video card and have no room to add one. D:
I started laughing. A lot. Then I saw the release date.
Here's me when I saw the release date: :swear:
Are you angry?
I just got up - extra early to try to find a stream and watch the rest of the VGAs (GMt+1 here).
That's when I saw "Elder Scrolls V: watch trailer here".
Then I just had so shout "
SKYRIM !!" and delay breakfast for another hour or so

Haha! No time for a bio-break! Skyrim is too important! ;D
I cant [censored] wait for dis [censored],i mean seriously ive been waiting for this since 2006
OMG me, too. I am pre-ordering this the SECOND I can.