It's a mixed bag of feelings for me, and I seem to be the only one.

Obviously I'm excited about a new Elder Scrolls game; I picked up Morrowind completely by accident (I saw it in a store, it looked kind of cool, so I bought it) and loved it. Got really into the lore after that, and greatly anticipated Oblivion, which I also loved. So, yes, a new Elder Scrolls game is an awesome thing for me. I'm just... really not excited about the setting, that's all. Of all the provinces we haven't
really visited yet, Skyrim is the one that's most like something we've already seen (i.e. Solstheim).
But I guess I'm one of the few people whose first thought, whenever I thought of TESV for all these years, was "I wonder what type of environment we'll get to see next!" I'm still looking forward to the game, obviously. I'm sure the gameplay and characters and story will be fantastic. It's just tempered with wishing that they would have chosen another locale instead.
N.B. I don't even know why I'm disappointed, actually. I've known it would be Skyrim for years, ever since they registered it as a domain name a couple of years ago. What can I say, I'm a hopeless optimist.