Share your Ideas for Crysis 2 DLCs!!!

Post » Tue Apr 05, 2011 5:40 am

New Modules, New Weapons, New Maps, Maybe Vehicles in Game, and Some New Movements that involves vaulting, wall running, wall leaning, and wall leaping.
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claire ley
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Post » Tue Apr 05, 2011 5:08 am

We definitely need a co-op mode, a la horde/firefight, its set up perfectly for this. Crytek wouldnt need to work that hard to sort it, we could use MP maps, as there lifted from SP anyway! Maybe have C.E.L.L. forces making up the bulk of the waves and Ceph showing up for the boss waves? Either way would be ****' awsum!
We be begging for campaign DLC aswell, i mean seriously, a 4 year gap with virtually no explanations of whats happened?
I'm pretty sure we'll be getting SP DLC anyway, but just wanna make my voice heard on the matter. Theres so much potential for expansion its insane, Crytek are clever bastards i tell ya. Theres so many directions they could take the series, i'm buzzin' to see where we go next, kinda reminds me of C.E. back in the day!
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Valerie Marie
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Post » Mon Apr 04, 2011 10:43 pm

Nothing. I would never pay for DLC on a PC. Especially since this game costs an outrageous $60 already.
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Ludivine Poussineau
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Post » Tue Apr 05, 2011 12:28 am

wow you serious??? Got mine for £24.99 PC Version, had a load of reward points that saved me £4 but still lol $60 !?!?!? Crazy! And I thought most DLCs that are released on PC are free, it's only Microsoft and Sony who charge extra cause they're sort of the "middle-man" where as for PC gamers we just get them!
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Izzy Coleman
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Post » Mon Apr 04, 2011 11:26 pm

For one thing why are we even talking about dlc when they have alot crap to fix first? They need to fix alot of before they even think about dlc. But when the time comes they need to add more weapons. Some of the weapons are plain worthless. With some of the guns, you can do more damge throwing it at them then shooting them. We also could see a few more maps but mainly they need more guns.

Because the entire Crytek company don't work on one patch! Within that company you have teams and within those teams you have more teams and so on, each working at their best! For example you've got a Team for Graphics and Visuals, Team for Sound, Team for Servers and Mutliplayer, Team for Patching, Team for Story/Plot, a Team of Developers, and you even have those who sit at the top of a building smoking a joint while staring out of a huge window thinking of new and awesome ways on how they can expand this fantastic, soon to be fixed game and using their imagination to think up a Crysis 3 a long with ideas for DLC's if they don't already have some set in stone! :D

So ye!
I think it's perfectly fine to talk about DLC's!
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Lizbeth Ruiz
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Post » Tue Apr 05, 2011 9:43 am

I don't feel I'm eligible to complain about 'fun' just yet since I blow donkey dike at this game. Being a lefty and having to constantly guess and test new bindings always sets me back. Also that one guy in your server who gets 35 kills and 1 death every game. **** that guy.
Hahahaha, yeah...
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Chenae Butler
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Post » Tue Apr 05, 2011 3:41 am

I just want to see some new movements while fighting such as vaulting, wall jumping, wall leaning, and wall running for combat added to multiplayer and campaign. Also wish there was a way to add the grabbing player into multiplayer to like using the body as a shield, to throw body at his teammates, or use it as soft landing. No need for instant kill like in campaign, just use it as a new tactic in combat. Just give the player a choice betwen stealth kill or using that player as a shield. You be able to fire while holding the body, but you better watch out, the other play can kick and punch you to make you loose your grip.
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Post » Mon Apr 04, 2011 7:24 pm

Sounds cool, though that grab mechanic doesn't really belong online
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Ellie English
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Post » Tue Apr 05, 2011 7:17 am

For one thing why are we even talking about dlc when they have alot crap to fix first? They need to fix alot of before they even think about dlc. But when the time comes they need to add more weapons. Some of the weapons are plain worthless. With some of the guns, you can do more damge throwing it at them then shooting them. We also could see a few more maps but mainly they need more guns.

Because the entire Crytek company don't work on one patch! Within that company you have teams and within those teams you have more teams and so on, each working at their best! For example you've got a Team for Graphics and Visuals, Team for Sound, Team for Servers and Mutliplayer, Team for Patching, Team for Story/Plot, a Team of Developers, and you even have those who sit at the top of a building smoking a joint while staring out of a huge window thinking of new and awesome ways on how they can expand this fantastic, soon to be fixed game and using their imagination to think up a Crysis 3 a long with ideas for DLC's if they don't already have some set in stone! :D

So ye!
I think it's perfectly fine to talk about DLC's!

Yup they will, more than likely, have a team consisting of the teams your mentioning, working on DLC/a new IP/Crysis 3 atm. If not all three at once (three separate teams, consisting of the teams mentioned and then some).

So why not discuss DLC, as you say, might as well try and give the smokers at the top floor some good ideas they can work with :D
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Erich Lendermon
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Post » Tue Apr 05, 2011 3:22 am

Maybe a Dlc from where we left off with Prophet in C1 and have it so we play with nanosuit 1 then find out how he got the nanosuit 2.0 and actually upgrade to it and what he went through and the rest of the team.
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Albert Wesker
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Post » Tue Apr 05, 2011 6:03 am

Definatly a Campaign expansion, its about time they showed us what happened to Nomad, Psycho and Helena after Crysis. Maybe not immediately after, but possibly play as Prophet with Nomad and Psycho as support, eventually finishing with Prophets arrival at NYC.
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Alexis Acevedo
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Post » Mon Apr 04, 2011 8:05 pm

The first thing I would like to see in a DLC is a new multi player game mode called One Man Army or something a long the lines of that. You basically have 8 players, 7 of them are standard soldiers with no nano suits and the 8th player has a nano suit (perhaps wearing the Nano Suit 2.0 Version from Campaign). Anyway, those 7 players have to work together to kill the 8th player, and who ever gets the killing shot becomes the new "Alcatraz" or whatever. Idea is similar to Aliens VS Predators Hunt mode where you have one Predator and 6 Marines. But loads of games have that type of game mode and it's really fun!

This sounds like a fantastic idea, but they'd basically have to create a new HUD and new controls from the ground up for the regular soldiers, so... prolly not gonna happen.

A SP expansion would make me so happy in the pants, I can't even describe it without blushing. But... really, when's the last time a shooter got something like this? Sounds like the type of DLC you'd expect for an RPG, like the Mass Effect DLC missions. I'm guessing we'll just get more maps.

More guns to play with would be nice too, but that's a sticky one because they can easily throw off the balance of the game, and right now, I think the set of guns is very nicely balanced.
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Adam Kriner
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Post » Mon Apr 04, 2011 7:51 pm

1 mp map for 50 euros. good idea !
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Latino HeaT
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Post » Tue Apr 05, 2011 2:44 am

In a DLC i want more maps, weapons and game modes. At least 6-8 new maps would be awesome. Some large maps for say 16 v 16 would be cool. Also an extra 3-4 guns in every class of weapons as their are simply too few weapons choices in this game. Lastly don't make it overpriced like the Call of duty DLC's. It would be reasonable if it was like 5AUD or if you're really generous - FOR FREE.
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Katie Pollard
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Post » Tue Apr 05, 2011 5:49 am

Power struggle game mode brought back on big open maps.
Fck the console players, they can get guns n sht... just give us back the original crysis gameplay.
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Wayne W
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Post » Tue Apr 05, 2011 2:29 am

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Holli Dillon
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