I'm really just grabbing straws to free up the intro ( in my mind ) form being so predefined to character specifics.
In the wake of that... details can get overlooked or shadowed by what we want to see.
People be pissed that they won't be able to make Carl/"Cooooorl" jokes.
Technically Shaun (phonetically anyway) can be a male or female name. While the printed closed-captioning showed Shaun, if the child were female, they could change the printed text to Shawn, for example. If the child were the same gender as the protagonist, then the male non-player spouse could say, "My two favorite girls", to mirror the line the female non-player spouse says when the child is male and the protagonist is male.
Of course, as many theories posit Shaun may have a ~larger role~ in the story later on, it could be a fixed thing, him being a boy. After all, the dialog lines don't HAVE to mirror each other --- the male non-player spouse could say, "My two favorite people" when referring to his wife (player) and male child.
Or he could be a capricious villain capable of doing both good and evil... Just a very, very unstable and well... "troubled" person.
I honestly don't care for the child myself. I am already planning to roleplay around that my "wife" is a Spy (or some sort of enemy supporter) that I was in charge with on spying and attempting to find her secrets as an undercover romantic interest that gone too far... Then Fallout happened. (So if she is alive in the wasteland, it's a kill on sight ordeal to me due to how I am roleplaying it).
The child really... Like I said, don't care. If he is part of the story, I probably will try to figure a way to go with my own choice. I wouldn't kill him on sight but he might end up dead depending how he is portrayed.
I still hold on a dream of naming the kid Sue after Johnny Cash song.
What if Bethesda made it so that if you play the female protagonist, the kid is a girl?
We only saw the baby when they were playing the man.
Remember guys, if it happens, you heard it here first.
Oh no!! Literally just realised I was planning on naming my character Sean, hahahahahahaha.
So, he could be one of the antagonist's then.
*Lightbulb* The "two favorite men" line! Maybe if you choose to play as the mother, the kid becomes a daughter! OOOOOOH!
Edit: Dammit, ninja'd...
Gotcha, pal.
Thinking about what the guy would say made me think about it too. I think it's very likely that it can happen.
His name isn't Shaun. He's chosen "Stormaggedon, Dark Lord of All."
I speak baby.
Bethesda will be seriously slacking if they don't have some fun with this:
Menacing antagonist in hulking power armor stands above you.
"They never told you what happened to your son, did they?"
"I know what happened. He died when the bombs fell!"
"Is that what they told you? No. I am your son! Join me, and together we can rule the Wasteland as son and father!"
Negative karma player: "Okay! But you're going to have to step up the evil to keep up with your old man."
Luckily, the game gives you a perfectly viable out (role-play wise) if you, like me or like whatever character you choose, would probably not name a baby boy Shaun: your spouse insisted, it was important to them, a grandfather just died or something. In my experience, many names morbidly depend on what archaic patriarch/matriarch kicks the bucket first.
Am I the only one that read the negative karma response with Duke nukem's voice?
I bet you he's a ghoul you meat in the future, which is why his gender/name are set in place.
Combined race from parents doesn't matter because he's all ghoulish.
In the trailer, Codsworth voices the baby's name, but without spelling there is no indication of the baby's gender. Then with the male protagonist, the female spouse is leaning against the doorframe of the baby's bedroom and says, "How are the the two most important men in my life doing?" From this, most people assume that the baby is male, but consider a female protagonist. I have my doubts about the male spouse saying, How is the most important woman in my life and most important man in my life doing?" Even "two most important people" won't impart the same feeling.
I will bet dollars to donuts that the baby's gender is the same as the protagonist's gender.
Question: why does it matter what six the baby is? Is it supposedly more dramatic if you face down with it sometimes in the future if it's the opposite/same six as you?