Bit of an odd problem. I reinstalled Morrowind, following Knot's guide, but my game crashes when using MGE X. If I delete all of the files, the game loads fine. When I add the MGE X files to my Morrowind directory, (without ticking any options, just opening MGE X and closing it) I can't load Morrowind anymore. I hear the music and have a black screen, then I hear the Horn like noise (like when you're missing a file) but can't see what it is due to a black screen. A Warning.txt pops up in my Morrowind directory that says
"Unable to locate creature '' in Leveled Creature 'TR_LC_golem_all_lev+2'."
(sometimes it says Golden Saint instead of Golem)
I thought I had perhaps messed up the Tamriel Rebuilt install, so I redid it, but the problem still persists.
Deleting the MGE X files, the game loads fine, no errors.
Not sure what else to mention that might help lead to a solution. The MGEX UI loads fine, I get no errors with the actual program.
I'm running Windows 7 64bit, I5-2500k, HD6970
I have current drivers and files, I tried changing the resolution and all of the other common solutions.
Spoiler MGE XE 0.9.8
MWSE dll injected
>> CreateD3DWrapper
-- CreateD3DWrapper calling Direct3DCreate9
<< CreateD3DWrapper
>> D3D Proxy CreateDevice
-- D3D Proxy Factory OK
<< D3D Proxy CreateDevice
>> CreateInputWrapper
<< CreateInputWrapper
-- Proxy Keyboard OK
-- Proxy Mouse OK
>> HUD init
<< HUD init
-- Proxy Mouse OK
-- Proxy Mouse OK
-- Proxy Mouse OK
-- Proxy Mouse OK
-- HUD release