Shelter from Magnus' Blaze 9

Post » Fri May 04, 2012 8:00 pm

abot, thanks so much for the exclusion lists. It's perfect for taking away the things I don't plan to use at all, like the houses I won't be joining. As far as those enormous moveables go, like PMBase and TUGalleon; I have tried them both and I as long as I excluded the mods from distant land, the fact they didn't cast shadows or reflections didn't matter. My mind doesn't seem to notice that, but if there is a shadow or reflection of something that *isn't* there, my eye goes straight to it.
I completely agree, a missing shadow/reflection is hardly noticeable, a shadow/reflection with no object casting it is much more annoying.
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Josh Trembly
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 7:13 pm

In Distant Land - Weather Settings, what do "Fog range factor" and "Fog offset" mean? What units do they use?
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Andrew Lang
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 7:40 pm

I completely agree, a missing shadow/reflection is hardly noticeable, a shadow/reflection with no object casting it is much more annoying.

Certainly. But there is still the problem of missing distant statics themselves. Which I think is hardly solvable on account of them not having been named 'distant dynamics' in the first place. :)

I like the idea of depth-based underwater shader. I think it should be capped at some value so that exploration would be just possible without Light or Night Eye. Speaking about water, though, I'd really love it to become freely moddable. The current water, while generally fine, looks somewhat insubstantial and oily to me.
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John Moore
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 9:40 am

I'm having an issue with Bloom either washing the screen out completely brown while indoors or black while outside at night. My card is a GeForce GTX 460 and my shader order is: SSAO, both underwater effects, Sunshafts, Bloom (I tried both, but I only run one at a time), HDR. Everything's fine without Bloom, but as soon as I add Bloom it washes out. I've looked through some of the older threads, but didn't find anybody else that had this problem. Any ideas on how to fix this? I can provide more information and screenshots of my configuration settings if needed. Thanks.
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Avril Churchill
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 11:35 am

Is there a way to easily copy one's MGE XE settings into a log file for troubleshooting purposes? People tend to want to discuss their MGE settings to see what someone else is getting depending on GPU, CPU, driver, ets, but taking screenshots to post settings/errors is a little clunky. Am I missing an existing (readable) MGE XE settings log?
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Liv Brown
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 5:46 am

I was just about to report that. It's only happening to me since the last patch, and only with vertex fog and Soft Bloom, and then only if I look up of down too far, pull out the 'magic hands' or go into third-person view. Doesn't matter if distant land is enabled or not, or what other shaders (if any) are present. In my case, the color is varies based on the fog color, but it still covers everything but the HUD. I was able to see objects and the sun through the fog once, but I have been unable to reproduce it.

Another question on bloom: Can Fine Bloom be edited so that the glow looks less squared?
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Horror- Puppe
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 2:20 pm

Am I missing an existing (readable) MGE XE settings log?
I think settings are stored in Morrowind\mge3\MGE.ini text file
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Emily Jeffs
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 4:55 pm

That's what i was looking for, abot!
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Joie Perez
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 7:26 am

Finally have been giving XE a go on my newish rig.. Overall it's very impressive, thank you very much :goodjob:

Performance is pretty good. Bit less than ye olde MGE 1.09 I'd been using but is to be expected as the setup I use with it is different. I see next to no framerate hit using nearly all the shaders enabled when I flip them on/off using an nvidia GTX570.

I use a 90 degree FoV and have occasionally noted a shadow like effect at the edges of my screen when I look over a wide open scene, like down from a high hill. It's like there's a 75 degree (I'm guessing) cone in front of me with the edges delineated by what looks very similar to the edge of the shadow created by distantland. Difficult to describe, if you'd like a pic let me know. Not a big deal.

Set the light co-efficients and have given dynamic lighting a go... Very heavy fps hit whenever a new light source comes into view. Best tested by standing in place and spinning around. At each new light source frames will drop to near zero, pausing movement and then pick up again to a 'normal' level. Once a full 360 degree turn has been completed and I guess everything's calc'd and loaded there's no more pauses until I start moving around and something else comes into view.

Depending on the shaders I'm using things can get quite over saturated and look very bright. To combat this I played with bloom and with the fine bloom shader the whole scene (on my setup) turns completely pink (edit - I mean you can see the scene but it's all toned pink not a completely flat pink screen). I prefer the fine bloom so have left the lighting as is for now. Is there some more info/tests you'd like on this?

Thanks again for the continued development.

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Mark Churchman
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 11:53 am

Not sure if this should go here or in the MCP thread, but I'm having an issue loading a game from a custom interior cell. Crash report:

Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: Morrowind.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 3ef35891
Fault Module Name: Morrowind.exe
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 3ef35891
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 000fea59
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Information 1: 0a9e
Additional Information 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
Additional Information 3: 0a9e
Additional Information 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789

MGE XE log:

MGE XE 0.9.8
MWSE dll injected
>> CreateD3DWrapper
-- CreateD3DWrapper calling Direct3DCreate9
<< CreateD3DWrapper
>> D3D Proxy CreateDevice
-- D3D Proxy Factory OK
<< D3D Proxy CreateDevice
>> CreateInputWrapper
<< CreateInputWrapper
-- Proxy Keyboard OK
-- Proxy Mouse OK
>> HUD init
<< HUD init


Tooltip Reading Speed=15cps
GUI Language="English (default)"
Language Autodetection=True

MGE Disabled=False
Internal MWSE Disabled=False
Camera Effects Affect The HUD=False
Correct Aspect Ratio When Zooming=False
Use Texture Hooks=False
Update Shader Vars=True
Update Shader Depth=True
Use HDR=True
HDR Reaction Time=1
Keep FPS=Off
Desired FPS=30
FPS Tolerance=5
Max View Distance=7168
Min View Distance=2500
Bind AI To View Distance=Off
Force CPU Idle=False
Idle Time=0
Customize 3rd Person Camera=False
Initial 3rd Person Camera X=0
Initial 3rd Person Camera Y=-160
Initial 3rd Person Camera Z=0
Crosshair Autohide=False
Use Menu Background Caching=True

[Global Graphics]
Antialiasing Level=4x
Z-Buffer Format=D24S8
Refresh Rate=60

[Render State]
Scaling Filter=Anisotropic
Mipmap Filter=Linear
Anisotropic Filtering Level=8x
Mipmap LOD Bias=-1
Fog Mode=Range vertex
Initial Zoom=3
Screen Rotation=0
Horizontal Screen FOV=75
Enable Fog=True
MGE FPS Counter=On
MGE Messages=On
MGE Messages Timeout=5000
Hardware Shader=On
AA Colour Fix=On
Screenshot Format=JPEG
Screenshot Output Directory="C:\Users\Wolfie\Pictures\Morrowind MGE pictures"
Screenshot Name Prefix="MGE Screenshot "
Screenshot Number Min Lenght=3
Screenshot Number Min Length=3

Input Lag Fix=Off

[Distant Land]
Distant Land=On
Distant Statics=On
Shader Model=3.0
Disable In Interiors=True
Distant Land Initially Disabled=False
MW Blending Initially Disabled=False
Draw Distance=9
Auto Distances=False
Auto Distances Choice=By Draw Distance
Near Statics End=2
Far Statics End=5
Very Far Statics End=8
Far Static Min Size=600
Very Far Static Min Size=800
Water Reflects Land=True
Water Reflects Near Statics=True
Water Reflects Far Statics=False
Enable Sky Reflections=True
Blur Water Reflections=On
Dynamic Ripples=True
Water Wave Height=50
Water Caustics Intensity=50
Above Water Fog Start=0.5
Above Water Fog End=9
Below Water Fog Start=-0.2
Below Water Fog End=0.6
Interior Fog Start=0
Interior Fog End=2
Use Exponential Fog=No
Exponential Distance Multiplier=4
Use Atmosphere Scattering=No
Water Reflects Interiors=True

[DLWizard Settings]
Plugins view sort order=Name
World texture resolution=2048
World normalmap resolution=1024
Create world texture in two steps=False
World mesh detail=Auto
Minimum static size=50
Grass density=50
Mesh detail=Full
Skip mipmap levels=0
Include activators=True
Include misc objects=True
Use old simplification algorithm=False
Use static overrides=True
Statics for behave like exterior cells=On
Statics for interiors with water=Off

[DLWizard Plugin Dirs]
e:\games\morrowind\data files\grass

[DLWizard Plugins]
Akavirian Armor.esp
Animated Morrowind 1.0.esp
Assassins Armory.esm
BB Dark Brotherhood by Westly.esp
Better Bodies.esp
Better Clothes_v1.0_nac.esp
Blight Bounties.esp
Bloated Caves.esp
Book Rotate - Bloodmoon v5.3.esp
Book Rotate - Morrowind v1.1.esp
Book Rotate - Tribunal v5.3.esp
Book Rotate.esm
Books of Vvardenfell_2.0.esp
Carry your Bedroll.esp
Character plugin.esp
Clean BB2_Falconer_Leather.esp
Clean bcsounds.esp
Clean CastReduce-v30.esp
Clean Clothing.ESP
Clean jac_bearcub.ESP
Clean jac_mtwrits.esp
Clean lulu.esp
Clean master_index.esp
Clean The regulars - Sitting NPC's v2.02.esp
Graphic Herbalism Extra.esp
Graphic Herbalism.esp
House of Earthly Delights, Harem Style.esp
Increased DB Attacks.esp
Jac_Passing Time While Reading - BR Patch.esp
Magical Missions.ESP
Mashed Lists.esp
More Better Clothes.ESP
Morrowind Patch.esm
Poorly Placed Object Fix.esm
Slof's Better Beasts b.esp
Starfire lite.esp
Texture Fix - Bloodmoon 1.1.esm
Texture Fix 1.8.esm
The Imperial Legion Badge.esp
Undead arise from death 2.0.esp
Vurt's Groundcover - BC, AI, WG, GL.esp > e:\games\morrowind\data files\grass
Vurt's Groundcover - Solstheim [Sparse version].esp > e:\games\morrowind\data files\grass
Vurt's Groundcover - The Ashlands.esp > e:\games\morrowind\data files\grass

[DLWizard Static Overrides]
E:\Games\Morrowind\mge3\Distant Lights Override.txt

[Shader Chain]
Underwater Effects
Underwater Interior Effects
Eye Adaptation (HDR)

[Distant Land Weather]
Clear Wind Ratio=0.1
Clear Fog Ratio=1
Clear Fog Offset=0
Cloudy Wind Ratio=0.2
Cloudy Fog Ratio=0.9
Cloudy Fog Offset=0
Foggy Wind Ratio=0
Foggy Fog Ratio=0.2
Foggy Fog Offset=30
Overcast Wind Ratio=0.2
Overcast Fog Ratio=0.7
Overcast Fog Offset=0
Rain Wind Ratio=0.3
Rain Fog Ratio=0.5
Rain Fog Offset=10
Thunderstorm Wind Ratio=0.5
Thunderstorm Fog Ratio=0.5
Thunderstorm Fog Offset=20
Ashstorm Wind Ratio=0.8
Ashstorm Fog Ratio=0.2
Ashstorm Fog Offset=50
Blight Wind Ratio=0.9
Blight Fog Ratio=0.2
Blight Fog Offset=60
Snow Wind Ratio=0
Snow Fog Ratio=0.5
Snow Fog Offset=40
Blizzard Wind Ratio=0.9
Blizzard Fog Ratio=0.16
Blizzard Fog Offset=70

Windows 7 64-bit & Morrowind is installed to E:\Games\Morrowind and set to run as Admin & Windows XP compatibility. I can load other interior saves though. Thanks.
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Shannon Marie Jones
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 10:09 am

Just wanted to say thank you Hrnchamd! MGE XE runs amazingly well and looks awesome. :)
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Claire Lynham
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 9:08 am

So, I have two suggestions for features to include in XE.

First is a carryover from FPS optimizer, and one of the only things left that it does that XE doesn't: FPSO has an option that allows you to stop the game from letting battle music interupt explore music. I'd love to see this implimented in XE.

Second, something to make distant land generation slightly more user friendly: when you are generating for the first time or you are regenerating with new settings, it would be nice if XE flashed in the taskbar when a new step was ready. This way we don't have to keep checking XE to see if it's ready for more input, it will tell us.
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Naomi Lastname
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 8:26 pm

Dynamic lighting works a little strange - it makes all transparent textures opaque again (I've tested them in the interior-like-exterior house and the windows turned out to be opaque when I switched to the new lighting model). Also I would like to ask if it is possible to enlarge the lighting area a bit - it is almost 3 times smaller than the original.

One more question - I've read somewhere in the thread, that you've experimented the version with standard lights casting shadows. Is it possible to see the result or test it? I understand that it is not for release due to performance hit but though... And is it possible to limit the shadow sources only by the brightest lights (or the lights with the biggest radius) to save memory?

And finally - is it possible to make everyone's old dream - parallax mapping support in Morrowind - true?
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 6:44 am

Bit of an odd problem. I reinstalled Morrowind, following Knot's guide, but my game crashes when using MGE X. If I delete all of the files, the game loads fine. When I add the MGE X files to my Morrowind directory, (without ticking any options, just opening MGE X and closing it) I can't load Morrowind anymore. I hear the music and have a black screen, then I hear the Horn like noise (like when you're missing a file) but can't see what it is due to a black screen. A Warning.txt pops up in my Morrowind directory that says

"Unable to locate creature '' in Leveled Creature 'TR_LC_golem_all_lev+2'."
(sometimes it says Golden Saint instead of Golem)

I thought I had perhaps messed up the Tamriel Rebuilt install, so I redid it, but the problem still persists.

Deleting the MGE X files, the game loads fine, no errors.

Not sure what else to mention that might help lead to a solution. The MGEX UI loads fine, I get no errors with the actual program.

I'm running Windows 7 64bit, I5-2500k, HD6970

I have current drivers and files, I tried changing the resolution and all of the other common solutions.

MGE XE 0.9.8
MWSE dll injected
>> CreateD3DWrapper
-- CreateD3DWrapper calling Direct3DCreate9
<< CreateD3DWrapper
>> D3D Proxy CreateDevice
-- D3D Proxy Factory OK
<< D3D Proxy CreateDevice
>> CreateInputWrapper
<< CreateInputWrapper
-- Proxy Keyboard OK
-- Proxy Mouse OK
>> HUD init
<< HUD init
-- Proxy Mouse OK
-- Proxy Mouse OK
-- Proxy Mouse OK
-- Proxy Mouse OK
-- HUD release
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Tom Flanagan
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 2:39 pm

Bit of an odd problem. I reinstalled Morrowind, following Knot's guide, but my game crashes when using MGE X. If I delete all of the files, the game loads fine. When I add the MGE X files to my Morrowind directory, (without ticking any options, just opening MGE X and closing it) I can't load Morrowind anymore. I hear the music and have a black screen, then I hear the Horn like noise (like when you're missing a file) but can't see what it is due to a black screen. A Warning.txt pops up in my Morrowind directory that says

"Unable to locate creature '' in Leveled Creature 'TR_LC_golem_all_lev+2'."
(sometimes it says Golden Saint instead of Golem)

I thought I had perhaps messed up the Tamriel Rebuilt install, so I redid it, but the problem still persists.

Deleting the MGE X files, the game loads fine, no errors.

Not sure what else to mention that might help lead to a solution. The MGEX UI loads fine, I get no errors with the actual program.

I'm running Windows 7 64bit, I5-2500k, HD6970

I have current drivers and files, I tried changing the resolution and all of the other common solutions.
Can you press escape, spacebar, or enter while these screens appear? I have to do thise because after the game logo when I start up, it tells me the game intro is gone. Thought it was a bizarre problem before I had the sense to realize I could to this, and spen a (Rather mediocre) time in Cyrodiil and Skyrim.
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JaNnatul Naimah
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 7:49 am

I never get anything but a black screen. I hear the music playing in the background, but that's all.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 1:18 pm

I never get anything but a black screen. I hear the music playing in the background, but that's all.

Did you try setting pixel shaders to "no" from the MW launcher?
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Sharra Llenos
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 5:28 pm

Did you try setting pixel shaders to "no" from the MW launcher?
Yes sir, I did indeed.

- I edited my first post with my mgeXE.log
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Mark Churchman
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 1:49 pm

I just tried again with a fresh install (Morrowind, Tribunal, Patch, Bloodmoon, Patch, then MGE XE) and I still have the same no-video problem. All of the symptoms and problems are identical, except nstead of the TR resources not being found though, the new message is

"Unable to locate object '' in Leveled Item 'random gold'."

So it is definitely a problem with the just MGE XE and my computer, and not just a mishap I caused by installing mods.
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roxxii lenaghan
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 7:34 pm

Did you prove that MW would launch before installing MGE XE?
As that error message would indicate a problem with a merged objects file, nothing at all to do with MGE XE.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 11:07 am

The game runs perfectly fine without MGE XE, no errors.

With MGE XE, I get no video, and that error (as a warning.txt file in my Morrowind directory)

If I delete MGE XE from the the Morrowind Directory, no errors.

I have nothing else installed except the vanilla game (GotY Edition, with the relevant patches), not Wyre Mash, or anything other than MGE XE, so it while it may be an odd error, it definitely has something to do with MGE XE.

At least by the time I sort this our, your Mountainous Red Mountain will be closer to completion. 8P
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 3:28 pm

As far as the black screen with the music and sounds, it really does take a long time for the graphics to load when you first start up using MGE XE. Every time I start the game I spend time looking at the black screen and listening to the music. If I *do* happen to get any errors during that time, it freezes, but if I don't I just have to wait.

It would be good for you to clear that error, then load the game and go get a snack or something. If you come back and it's not responding *with no error messages*, then you can be sure there is some problem. Possibly a GPU or OS incompatibility, but without clearing that error, you may never know.
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Izzy Coleman
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 5:49 pm

How do I clear the error if I can't see anything?

I tried letting the game sit for 20 minutes on the black screen this morning, but I get an error 100% of the time.
I didn't notice since I had the volume low, but with my new clean install, I don't get any music anymore either, just the horn-like error noise and a black screen.

Windows 7 x64
16gb Ram
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Deon Knight
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 1:42 pm

What's your install path and are you using the internal MWSE?

Forgive me if you've been over this, but I like to start from scratch.
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Emilie M
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 2:46 pm

How do I clear the error if I can't see anything?

I tried letting the game sit for 20 minutes on the black screen this morning, but I get an error 100% of the time.
I didn't notice since I had the volume low, but with my new clean install, I don't get any music anymore either, just the horn-like error noise and a black screen.

Windows 7 x64
16gb Ram
I had the black screen problem several months ago, posted on this thread (well, either this one or one of the earlier ones) and Hrmchnd gave some input. One error was caused because I did not correctly use MGE XE. Another time was due to an error in the file. In both cases, Hrmchnd replied with suggestions. I don't have the link handy, but a search for posts by Hrnchmd within the last three months in this thread should turn them up for you so you can check his suggestions with what you've tried so far.
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Ludivine Dupuy
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