Wow, you can view 30 exterior cells in one glimpse?! What are your system specifications, PirateLord?
Nothing too amazing. Wn XP, Duo Core 2.8 ghz, 2 gig ram, 512mb Nvidea GeForce 9800 GT.
I also have WoW on almost all Ultra settings, and Skyrim (medium settings I think, not tinkered too much with that, needs CK work drastically!), no problems at all.
You can see in these screenshots (Red Mountain development mod) how far I'm looking, but I'll reduce the distance as I don't need to see that far at ground level.
I did try out the exponential fog at 100 cells, that was painful, although I liked the effect, so will experiment with reduced cells and different exp values.
One thing I will say, which seems to be common in modern PC usage ("old timer" here), don't have anything else open when playing games. Every program that loads is less memory for your game. I've only got Dropbox in my startup, don't use messenger and I have the following items disabled in msconfig (advanced): DNA\btdna.exe (god knows what this is!), DivX Update, dumprep, Pando Networks Media Booster, Steam -silent (fking hate steam!), and UpdReg
My system is stable with those disabled, thought I'd post it, as it might help others. If you've never used msconfig, be careful, as you can screw up your system if you disable the wrong things. Internet research everything! That's my disclaimer if you kill your PC with my advice