Having tested this experimental release of MGE yesterday, I'm really amazed by the visual enhancement added by these real-time shadows in-game. Wow!
This feature add much more immersion, and fit perfectly with any 'bloom' shaders, but, I think the water shader look like... well, doesn't offer the features available on the latest MGE releases, without real 'volumetric' waves, caustics effects and water foams (experimental feature only)... :'(
Otherwise, it works flawlessly, and I don't noticed any framerate drops, running very smoothly on my average computer.
Breathtaking! Just awesome! Congratulations for this impressive project and for the great optimization of this graphic effect! ^^
I really hope to see this real-time shadows system merged with the next main MGE development release (maybe n the rev.019x?), along the -experimental too- scattered clouds and water foams shaders! Good luck for the development and for your next projects! ; )
Oh! And thanks to all the amazing developers of the MGE project for making Morrowind always more beautiful and immersive! You are awesome!!