Man, you're on fire. :flamethrower: Awesome! Thanks.
Scattering checkbox added in MGEgui.
MGEgui macro editor now autoselects function macro type when clicking an unbound key.
Macro editor now remembers to restore macro type when cancel is clicked.
Underwater effects now includes water wobble.
All working nicely so far. Wobble effect seems to not be present in interior cells with distant land disabled though. Any chance to get it working everywhere?
Scattering power adjusted a bit higher. Morrowind fog colour blending for scattering matched to current scattering power.
Seems to be more present now, but still feels different (more compared to
Menu mode render caching now includes as much rendering as possible. Menus should always run at full fps.
Skydome reflection is altered to avoid fusion with horizon and match photographic references of sea reflection distribution.
Underwater colour in interiors without distant land set to a dark blue-green instead of fog colour.
Seems to me as this all have been good design decisions. The new horizon line seem to cause with shading of the very far away landscape on bad weather though.
Changes to fog/scattering are catastrophic on my end. Bloom is blooming fog and creating a blinding bright wall. Without bloom it looks better but the fog MUST be blue (showing white on my end). It doesn't look right at all imo. If you could get just the horizon to be white that would be what ur looking for I think. Also water seems to be reflecting only/mostly white and has a very white surface; not good looking.
Definitely can't confirm this. To me everything's looking fine independent of lighting condition.
These results are based on clear daytime.
ps:I feel there is allot of value being lost concerning the scattering when sky dome is un-affected. Particularly at dusk/dawn when one side of the sky should be orange and one should be dark.
No problems with that on my side [ ]
Apart from that I've noticed some two minor glitches:
- When under water there seems to be some sort of around some objects.
- The (seems to be connected with the atmospheric scattering) is still present (already was an issue with the old snv implementation)
Last but not least: some XE niceness to enjoy: :angel:
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