-I personally think the shadows could be more intense, it would be nice to see some hdr transitions from shadow to sun lit, but I also think that's not to be worried about yet.
Morrowind uses ambient light a lot, which means the parts facing away from the sun, but lit by ambient, could become lighter than the shadow it casts. Lighting settings need to be revised before shadows can be made any darker.
-Is there a way to cast shadows from the animated grass? I'm very curious to see that. And to see if it'll run on my machine
Grass won't resolve its shape properly in the 4x4 pixels it would occupy in a shadow map, and yes, it would be a machine killer. SSAO produces about the same thing except for a well defined silhoutte.
-My sun is quite green: http://img833.imageshack.us/i/mgescreenshot130.png/ How can I tweak this?
Hmm. Try increasing sundiscocclude to 0.9 in the sunshafts shader. It might look different against the new sky.
And as an unrelated to XE problem, I have ALLOT of bad gradients, and in game image is quite a bit brighter than screenies, but I can't figure out the cause of such brightness. Ideas?
Gamma? Only reason it would be brighter than screens, since gamma is applied on output.
I've noticed a bug though I had included in the .fx files I gave you. In the scattering function, fFogCol2 needs to be multiplied by (1-fog). I've seen you already figured that out in the case of bad weather. But since fFogCol2 is used in both cases, it needs to be multiplied by (1-fog) right when first defined. This might lead to some issues with overly bright fog during weather changes.
Any plans on including a fog color adjustment of MW's fog? The mismatch between's MW's fixed fog color and the calculated fog is rather noticeable, sadly, especially during sunrise/sunset.
I tried to override D3DRS_FOGCOLOUR but it didn't do anything noticeable, and it needs to be interfaced cleanly with distant land so I left it this time round.
You can edit the shaders yourself to make them compatible. Open them with any text editor and search for 'Technique T0'. Replace the line with:
technique T0 < string MGEinterface="MGE XE 0"; >
This should work in most cases.
This is mostly so it's marked that shaders use the correct variables and dynamic fov. No use of thisframe, lastframe, tickcount, etc.