I have ownership, time display and companion health bar HUD functions working, but standard MGE has serious problems with its zoom implementation that makes reliable zooming broken. The initial zoom level depends on FOV, and the default fov doesn't correspond to zoom level 3, but 2*projection width instead (3.0693), so there is no seamless transition to zoom. The HUD functions also fail to load non power of 2 textures properly, instead stretching them, which leads to compatibility problems with the appearance of textures if I fix it. I may have to update a lot of mods.
And here is http://free-zg.t-com.hr/cssm/ - it may be interesting for Hrnchamd.
This is pretty nice but it looks like it uses up to 8 instances per object to render, I don't see performance info or a paper, and the license isn't GPL compatible.
What parameter in the shadow's shader determines the accuracy of shadows? In XE Shadow Settings.fx I've found only shading and softing options, but max accuracy that I've achieved was http://pikucha.ru/i4ACp
You have to be more specific what you mean with accuracy.
1. So is there any way to work around the discrepancy in fogging that occurs at the end of the normal land and the beginning of the distant land? I'm not sure if everyone sees this or just me. I'm using Range Vertex fog and Exponential Fogging and High-Quality Atmospheric Scattering, on Windows 7 x64 with ATI Radeon HD 5750 (5770?) 1 GB.
2. Even though I use Range Vertex fogging, it seems there are still some distant land elements that are depth-based. In other words they disappear when I look straight at them but reappear if I turn slightly to the side (which leaves the objects at the same distance but decreases their Z-depth). Can this ever be fixed?
3. Will there ever be a fix for your hair disappearing when you go into the water? Once the camera and you go under the water it looks fine, but with the camera above the water surface, you appear bald. This occurs with certain transparent hairs like Rin's I believe. Maybe the fix is to just not use those hairs, which don't really look good with SSAO anyway.
What draw distance are you using? I can fix distant objects to fade in properly but it's pretty complex because it needs draw order sorting, in the mean time I can add an extra distance check. Transparent objects are unfixable in the renderer, it's impossible to get Morrowind to draw it in the right order. You can get it closer to looking good with some modelling by using a no-sorter alpha test layer underneath the normal hair.
Oooh! Can you bring back the video texture hooking for at least the main menu texture too? I really want to be able to have a main menu replacer that works with XE.
There's no support planned for texture hooks at all.