i know. you should really post more video.
I stand by what I said http://www.oblivionsrealestate.com/Resources/Town_Modding/town_modding.html#Interest My town layout is my most closely guarded secret and the Pell's Gate layout is my best so far in all six towns I have made for Oblivion, so sorry can't reveal more video.
I'm really looking forward to trying out your Pell's Gate. You've really given the place alot of character and it looks like a fascinating place to explore. I love all the little touches like the hanging clothes on the line in your last screenie. That really gives it a truly medieval village feel.
For your apartment have you thought about surrounding the player's section with a subspace box? That should prevent any NPCs from wandering into the space.
Thank you! I certaily hope people will enjoy exploring.

The clothes line was made possible by Aisis, she was able to sort out the havok on those.
Fro the apartment it is my hope that people make good use of the 'locakable door' script I have been putting on my houses for years, so people could lock their home doors when they leave. But finally....*cackles manically*....it will serve it's purpose fully. It is my intention that if the player doesn't lock the door they will have intruders.

Just need a 'bang on the wall' animation to stop those noisy neighbours.

AMaybe in the future.
You could have a mod unlock your old thread

That thread has long since vanished. I think I closed it over 6 months ago. :shrug:
I don't know if its been mentioned but this mod (Lakewood Village in particular) causes massive land tears when loading before Et in Arkay Ego, loading after it causes some objects (from EiA) to float but nothing major. Just thought I'd point that out.
Great mod, great villages, I haven't tried out any of the "quests" yet though.
Thanks for letting me know. I haven't played that mod so had no idea.

Just found this amazing mod and was wondering..
1) Does the version avaliable on ORE is the COBLized one? Can I still use it the UL Cloudtop patch with it?
2) As I understand, The Old Crown Inn has been updates, so no conflicts with it anymore?
Thank you!
I am sorry there was a COBL version up on ORE but I seem to have lost it when I had to revert to a backup of the site. However I just put it back up. Get the COBL version directly http://oblivionsrealestate.com/Mods/ShezriesVillagesCOBL.esp
I don't think the Cloudtop Patch is compatible, but then I kinda leave the patches to others with more know how on patching. I will ask in the UL thread and maybe they can make one if the current patch is not useable with the COBL version.
As for the Old Crow Inn, I have not heard anything about it being made compatible with this mod. It would be considerably easier to move the shack from that mod, rather then move the entire of Woodland Village. But I don't think anyone has done that. Sorry.