Thanks everyone for your understanding and support.

Please understand that I'm just trying to make suggestions that other might benefit from. I certainly don't want to quelch creativity.

It is good to discuss the compatibility issues as it helps me clarify where I stand on it and take in others opinions on it and even more find others that choose to help sort out compatibility issues. I guess that questions regarding merging Pell's Gate would have come up sooner or later so it is good to get that part over and get on with the modding.
I am still working on getting the new Shezrie's Villages with the fixes out, but it will be up soon. In the meantime...a few Pell's Gate pics.....
Pell's Gate has a total of 30 buildings on ground level. The town is set on three levels, the streets on ground level, an upper level street and an underground street. This is because I wanted to expand the town but didn't dare add in more buildings.
The underground street, Elm Street (note reference to Nightmare on Elm's Street) is comprised of 13 houses. It is actually not just one street but a number of alleys. This is where the worst poverty in Pell's Gate lives.
There are two buyable player houses, an apartment on Baggot Row (the upper level street) and a town house right in the town center. The town house is entirely custom and has views of the town out of numerous windows.
There are two taverns. 'The Roaming Spirit Inn' and 'The Cloak and Dagger'. The Cloak and Dagger is located down a tiny alley and is a dive.
The most nefarious shop in all Pell's Gate is located on Elm Street and called 'The Rats Nest'.
In addition to these there is an upper class hotel, a book store, an alchemy store, a clothing shop, a general store and a armor shop.