Thank you so much for getting back to me. Marcus's body is long gone so I can't click on it to get him back. So I'd be grateful for the command to get the quest items and to continue the quest.
Unfortunately without Marcus' body it is a bit tricky. I can give you the Base Id of the two items you receive from Marcus as used with the 'player.additem' console command, but it is more complicated with the first two digits you need in addition to the Base ID, as explained in If you want to do it that way the base id for each object is....
01028856 for the Interview notes
01028859 for the dragon egg
Otherwise unfortunately it may be best to start the quest again. I am very sorry about that. What you can do though is skip to the conclusion of that quest if you choose, though you will miss some pretty cool events in the quest. I included a cheat.....
Spoiler Go to the Forest Display, examine the mushrooms next to the deer until you find one that says 'mushroom to...'. That is a secret door to my office, where you can get the complete walkthrough from me. But, there is also a hidden cheat there that I used for testing purposes. As you enter the office, look at the right hand wall. Open the console and type 'tcl' to toggle collision off. Walk through that wall and there is a table there with the Septim Crown. In the box are the two other items that you need to give to the Curator to complete the Quest to find the Septim Crown. You can read through one of the items for the whole plot. Open the console and type 'tcl' again when you are back in the room.
Will any other quests get messed up in that town, since other NPCs (actual town members with houses and names), were killed when Marcus was killed?
As far as I remember the only NPC that is crucial to the Lakewood quest is the old man in the cabin down at the lake. But as he stays in his cabin all the time, he shouldn't be in any danger.
Other then that, the decorator inside the bakery sells one Lakewood house, but again he stays indoors so should be fine. The shop owner sells the other house so he will hopefully still be alive. Other then that you are only loosing lots of dialog when NPCs are dead, so nothing game breaking.
About essential players: Once I started using MMM/OOO, I've learned to make the Skingrad wine faction essential because in a couple of my games, all the winery workers/owners (and the stable hand...those poor stable hands never last long), were killed almost as soon as I got to Skingrad. That will put an end to Glarther's quest but even worse, the place gets very lonely when everybody is dead. So If I had known I needed Marcus and could have gotten to him before he was dead and gone, I'd have made him essential.
This has certainly drawn my attention to the fact that I need to make these NPCs essential and that is something I will be careful to do in future. Also, when I reinstall and get Oblivion going again I will update Shezrie's Towns to make these NPCs essential.
I know you are on to Skyrim now so this won't matter, but I had seen that you long ago asked if anyone had noticed the three way conversation about the Orc/Argonian. I did! And I've enjoy the crown quest so far...looking forward to continuing it.
Thanks, I am glad you are enjoying it! I didn't receive much feedback on that and whether it worked as intended so it is nice to hear some and to know that people are still enjoying the mod.