My thoughts on the next TES game:
Setting: Cyrodiil (maybe portions of the other provinces)
Plot: Unification or dismantle of Tamriel by a Shezarrine
Similar to Fallout 4 I believe TES6 will have alternate stories where there will be completely opposite endings
Story 1- Elven oppressors are in charge like the ancient Alyeids and must be defeated and will bring in a new empire (Man)
Story 2- The Shezarrine will turn on their original destiny and bring about the the total rule of elves (Mer)
Story 3- (a shot in the dark) The Shezarrine will bring total balance to Tamriel with self governing rule for all province (Neutral) If you look at the ancient history of Tamriel a Shezarrine was presumably created by Shor(Lorkhan) to bring an end to the Alyeid oppressors of mankind. And if you look at modern timeline in TES much of the same is happening already.
Although I feel my theory is a waste since Bethesda already did the Knights of the Nine DLC. Kinda repetitive. Please let me know what you think of this would love other inputs!!?
This was a theory I posted up on Youtube comments to see what others thought. So I figured I would bring it here to see what everyone thinks about this being a possibility.
I only included 3 potential story arcs in this topic mainly because it was the broadest way to explain an alternate ending without getting too confusing
For example if you were to side with the elves (Dominion) then it wouldn't be the total unification of all Mer since they don't care too much for the Dunmer and Orsimer. Same thought with the races of Men