I know some people poke fun at the idea of dual-wielding shields and bashing everything in their way, but when wielding one shield it should actually be used in such a way. Although you shouldn't be able to deal the final blow with a shield, it should not only knock enemies back, but disorientate them and at least do a decent amount of damage once you reach master level. It should also work in sync with your weapons much more, because in Oblivion the two felt very disconnected. So here's my idea for some of the perks you can get at each skill gap.
Novice (1-24)
Your blocks do no damage to the enemy, and they hardly recoil when they clash with your shield.
Apprentice (25-49)
Your enemies now recoil according to their strength when they strike your shield, if your block is well-timed, leaving them briefly vulnerable to a counter-attack. No damage is done.
Journeyman (50-74)
You can now block multiple strikes from stronger enemies that won't easily recoil. Damage to the torso is now also done when an enemy recoils.
Expert (75-99)
You can now block and exit from a block much quicker, making for an easy powerful strike to the exposed enemy. More damage is also done by the initial recoil.
Master (100)
You are now a master with the shield, and can use it to strike enemies down. When performing a downward strike with a melee weapon you can hit the block button to smash your shield sideways into the enemy's head, dealing a reasonable amount of damage with a strong chance of spinning them around, making for an easy finishing blow in their confusion.
So that's just a few idea for block techniques alone, but when accompanied by a master swordsman or axeman or whatnot, you should be able to pull off some pretty amazing well-synced finishing moves. For example, when you become an expert or master in swords you should be able to choose a "Finesse Finishes" perk which lets you basically 1-hit-kill any sort of human enemies as long as they aren't masters themselves or bosses (because what warrior wants to kill a boss in one blow?). These 1-hit-kills should rely on two things; that you're already engaged in combat (so they're not assassinations of sorts), and that you "ready" them for the kill-shot. This would involve not only your swords skill to be quite high, but also your blocking skill, so when you spin them around by bashing them in the head with your shield you then have the opportunity to stab your sword into their neck (assuming they have plate armour on). Axes and maces would be the same, and still have a lot of finesse, but also barbarity at the same time, so you bring them to their knees with a blunt shot to the legs, and then a massive smash to the face.
But those are just some idea of how I think shields should be implemented alongside more orthodox weapons. But I know a couple of you do actually shield & sword combat in real life, and I have no experience other than videogames so I don't know if all of this is accurate, but even if it's kinda unrealistic it's fantasy, and I think these would be some really cool combat mechanics

So how would you like to see the shield implemented this time around? Agree/disagree? :homestar: