Ok i wont do a long post this time, but ever since i saw the first videos of Todd explaining you can put and item or any spell into any hand i was overjoyed i could play like the leftie i always wanted in TES weapon in left, shield in right.
I was the guy who asked Nerdtrek who went to PAX to test for right handed blocking and they said it WAS POSSIBLE.
Then Pete twittered it was out.
"DCDeacon Pete Hines @outerheaven313 You can put weapons or magic in either hand. You can only equip shields and torches in your left hand. Bows as well."
However, some of the info coming from Pete on his twitter account has been conflicting before but since I've seen on other places online not to be named that i cannot link to it is positively confirmed that
"Shields can only be equipped in your left hand"
OK so we positively know you cannot hold a shield in your right hand.
So PC mods are our only hope now.
What can we do?
If there an easy way to simply mirror the Player Character and flip left and right symmetry?
What sort of programing knowledge would be required for us to fix this?
Please serious and honest response would be greatly appreciated.
This really was the one biggest thing i was looking to in Skyrim and i want to get it in.