The Dunwich Building is nothing, trying playing F.E.A.R. in the dark on your own, it scared the bejebus out of me lol.
But back on topic, I'm just at Nipton on my second play through and did very little cave/sewer crawling first time around and I plan to rectify that this time
Edit: CyricTheMad you can hear whispering ...
But back on topic, I'm just at Nipton on my second play through and did very little cave/sewer crawling first time around and I plan to rectify that this time

Edit: CyricTheMad you can hear whispering ...
in the graveyards at Camp Forlorn Hope too
FEAR 1 was the only fear with any type of fear factor..and if thats the one your talking about HELL YEA ITS [censored] CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!