As far as I know, at least at the PD where I do my police explorers training, "warning shots" are not allowed....ever....I dont know what the heck this officer was thinking :blink: but there are hundreds of thousands of police officers in the counrty and every so often we hear about one or two going crazy or something along these lines. If you ask me, out of thousands and thousands of cops and only a few defect every so often, those aren't bad odds considering the things these men and women see and how they are treated by most of the populace. While I'm not justifying the officer's actions (cops like this piss me off because they bring down the lawmans good name) I am saying that we cant go and assume that every badge and gun wearing protector is a power tripping [censored], and I'm willing to bet that the majority of cop-haters out there have never had physical contact with the Police and instead they hate them purely because its considered "cool" to rebel against authority.
Bear in mind this is just a rant and its not directed at you

just remember as you do not want to be profiled by the Police, the Police do not want to be profiled by you.
Im not saying all cops do this. But you also have to look at it this way. At the alarming rates stories of police like this are being caught on camera, how many more are done off camera?
And I am not a cop-hater. I have had my issues with police brutality though. When I was 17, and being a punk angsty kid, I have a cop dislocate my shoulder after he threw me into a wall. Why? Because he decided to put handcuffs on me when my shoulder doesn't bend in the direction he wanted to do it.
I also understand what police go through. I was in a fit of rage when I was 16, and a cop tried to grab me when I Walked past him, and I grab his arm and threw him into a wall. He didn't press charges, and I apologized, because I wasn't acting rational, and he understood. So I understand both sides of cops, and i'v been on both sides, and I still say this type of thing is [censored].
Keep in mind, that kick could of easily been fatal. I would chalk this up as possible attempted murder had the officer known he had a brain injury prior. However, I will still chalk this up as pure assault for no apparent reason.