Hi Folks,
new to your forum, dunno what all you could use for debug info .. but I was clearing out a building of super mutants, many of whom were what I call "cryo-prone", which is they are alive, but lying prone on the ground and not moving .. presumption on the net is that it was from a previous kill with a cryo weapon, which I use a lot.
Anyway, there were a number of these .. and you shoot them till they are dead .. but one of them, as soon as I shot it, my controller started vibrating and the PC game died back to my desk top .. but the controller was still vibrating. So unplugged and replugged in the controller.
Restarted the game and chose continue, and I was back in the house just before all the kills, so went and shot that same one basically first, and the game blew down again.
So third time, finished the quest, left that one alone and left. Luckily it wasn't the one I had to kill to complete the quest.
I am fairly certain this was with the latest patch on. Don't remember the building name, if that really matters I could go try to look for it in my completed quests listing.
Also of course, if you could fix things so the NPCs that "respawn" do so alive instead of cryo-prone, it would be much appreciated. Kinda fun to just stand there and kill it, but a house full of them is no fun at all ..
Also, sometimes when I shoot NPCs with the cryolater, especially ghouls, they'll spin wildly in the air then fly off, sometimes then hanging in mid-air, where they can't be looted.
PC is running windows 7 64bit, evga gtx 650 video card