Skyrim has gone on sale once again on Steam, 75% off, and has once again topped the top sellers list.
Isnt that insane? 3 years on and it still is selling like hotcakes. You'd think that everyone would have bought their copy already, but Bethesda still seems to find more customers to buy Skyrim. It's quite amazing, to be honest, when I first played Morrowind way back in 2004 I knew that Bethesda was something special, but I never expected it to get -this- crazy, and break into the mainstream with such force.
I was waiting on a certain mod to be released before I boot up Skyrim again, but after having it pop into my face on Steam its hard to resist. Is anyone else being prompted by this Steam sale to draw up a new character? I was hoping to spend some time hanging around Tel Uvirith, but it looks like the cold and snowy north is the future. Fitting, since it's just starting to get cold here .