Since i play Crysis 2 i have one problem again and again: randomly during playing the game freezes for like 10-15 seconds. After that i get a blackscreen for some seconds and then it goes on normally. I don't think it's a problem with my VGA (GTX 460) or my CPU (Core2Duo E8500 @ 3.85 GHz) because sometimes i don't get these freezes during several hours playing.
It does not change with different graphic settings, i have no other programs running in the background (except Steam and avast), i have the newest drivers and my temperatures are also absolutely fine.
Interesting fact: it nearly freezes everytime the counter reaches 2 secs left till respawn or roundstart

Maybe anyone else has this problem and a solution for it. MP is quite frustrating if you sneeke someone from behind and in the moment you try a meele it freezes :/
Thanx! HeavyMetalHead