Awesome stuff, thanks for sharing. Hope the devs looks at it, as I particularly liked the snow *not* having too much detail/contrast, a common mistake in games and texture mods. I also enjoyed the cave being fairly dark, barely lit by the crystals.
Scenario was cheap and a bit corny, I didn't like how the dragon looked either. But there were also negatives.
Wait, so you thought that the "cheap and corny scenario" and ugly dragon were the high points? I thought it was a pretty good short film. Especially considering who made it and how it was made. Blender ftw
Nice video, but that chick is stupid so it kinda failed in making me sad.
You obviously haven't seen some really good stuff then.
I've seen enough to know that actor a has the same stupid faces for events as actor B ,in different films not to mention the story's are almost always [censored] XD
I enjoyed watching that. Thanks for posting it. I want a pet dragon now. A dragoon class for skyrim. Like the dragoon from final fantasy XI,polearm,super jump,pet dragon...oh yeah,that sounds good :thumbsup:
I've seen enough to know that actor a has the same stupid faces for events as actor B ,in different films not to mention the story's are almost always [censored] XD
Have you ever seen La Bela Vita (Life is Beautiful)? Now that's a movie that can make someone feel sad because characters in there are likable. Still, I'm being kinda too critical towards 15min film.
IMO its professional? quality sound and visuals, a real proof of what Blender can be used to achieve. Thanks for the link, I didn't know it had come out yet.
I would like to believe that it is written around the message that you shouldn't spend your life on something that is better off without you, as it only ends in misery for all involved; but it hits too close to home, so I won't.