Ok, I'll try to respond to each comment so no one feels left out. This leads to a big post, sorry

I put forth three categories for scoring, on a 1-5 system which you take the average of.
- Story (Plot/Originality)
- Correctness (Grammar and Spelling)
- Readers Choice
The first two are scored by the judges, then the story is given the chance to get a score from the readers. Since ALL stories should be anonymous, favoritism would be reduced immensely
Correctness is a given. If their grammar or spelling is really bad (a few mistakes can slide, but if they become noticeable...)
I'd say having different categories for ability is a bad idea, there could however be awards that less skilled writers would have a reasonable chance of winning (most original idea springs to mind) I'm getting worried about this word limit too, I lack the staying power to write anything over about 1500 words

and it'll get to the point where it'd just be impossible to read all the submissions, I mean it takes me about a week to read a book of 12 short stories (I'm assuming a length of around 20 pages A5 each which = 5000(ish) words) If everyone has to do so before voting then we won't have a very fair set of results because a lot of people just won't want to read that much, either that or very few people will vote.
Edit to respond to Verlox:
Maybe add a writing quality category?
Alrighty then, concensus on the tiering is a no, solved by animosity and categories like plot. As to word limit, I'll try to keep it reasonable. Remember, the short story can either conclude the plot quickly, or just be a kind of teaser. That was going to be the next issue I bring to the table.
Point systems for writing strike me as terribly flawed. I particularly hate the point system that the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test uses for the Writing section. Scratch it.
Exactly, I dislike point systems as well. I feel that if we did points, one might find themselves grading the stories differently, but if we just did "which was the best" then we end up with both bias and multiple other flaws.
And to do a complete 180... Darkom, you WANT Redsrock as one of your judges. I can't COUNT the number of story contests I have seen this man participate in over several writing forums. He's a good writer too, so that's another plus for him being a good judge.
Now, I HIGHLY ADVISE the anonymity idea. I've seen it done before in contests and feel it works best. Have each story be submitted to you, you present it to the judges, and they select their award winners amongst those stories, unknown as to who wrote what.
THEN, if you wish, post all the stories up in a single thread, and ask for the community to choose THEIR favorites. The stories that win over both the judges and the people, win. Plain and simple. No need for a tier system, as that will just erase the anonymity by hinting at who the writers may be. And if you are worried about making someone feel bad if they lose against a favorite on the boards... tbh I see more insult coming from being arbitrarily thrown into a lower tier. Scraqe the idea.
I know very well of redsrock status and ability, I was just trying to be polite

I think I might even keep the authors secret from judges anonymity is such a good idea. I wanted this to be a by the people thing from the get go, so I think it would be fun to have a judge vote and a popular vote for each category, to compare the two. What do you all think?
"Quality writing" is a bit hard to judge imo. While there are obvious things (correct spelling/grammar, not using internet shorthand) a lot of it comes down to a writer's style. i know when reading Reds' stories (not to pick on you or anything there mang) some of his stylistic choices striker me as off. its perfectly correct as far as the english language is concerned, but it may not be to everyone's liking. same thing can be said for any author. things that can be easily judged, such as the aforementioned spelling, should be a given. presumably everyone is using something other than Notepad to write, and hence everyone has a spellchecker. if you dont, then get someone to proofread. no excuse.
i have one concern with judges: people tend to have a problem with them. anyone remember the fallout after the Chorrol competition? making a popular vote should make it harder to object, though i definitely see the issue with having all the stories read.
Dark: if you decide to do it on a separate board i'd be more than happy to set one up

as i said i think its preferable for organization. having all the stories in one thread here on the BSF will make it really cluttered.
Indeed, that's why we need a wide variety of judges. There will be no overall quality vote, but their will be a favorite award. And thanks, I would love to keep it here, but I see how that would be a problem.
here are my ideas for grading subcategories:
1) Creativity (is it unique and original? is it a retelling of OB's main quest?)
2) Story (Does it make sense? how is it developed during writing?)
3) Characters (are they round? are they believable? how do they interact?)
4) Feel (does it fit into the ES universe? does it invoke a clear mood/tone?)
5) General Impressions (judge's thoughts over all. Great plot twist? horrible English?)
overall score is the sum of subscores divided by 5. each story's final score is then added and divided by number of judges. the resulting over all score determines the overall winner, the subscores determine the "runners up," or winners in each category.
heh, i just realized how horribly ive been writing in a thread about a writing competition

i swear i capitalize when it really matters :poke:
My thoughts on the categories exactly, Lady Nerevar. The scoring system seems to be a good idea, but I'm still debating on that. Don't let me make all the calls though

Alright, so the tiering is out. The judges and anonymity is in, and we are still deciding the ranking system and just how much voting we'll leave to the people. I myself am in favor a judge screening every story, at least two per story but prefferably more, then the judges vote for each category, and then we have the people's vote. Our next issues are length, and whether we want the whole plot in one short, or just a small teaser plot.
Poll editted, sorry, you can't vote for the new things, just know that the first question was 1. 4 and 2. 16 and the second was 1. 6 and 2. 14. So real results are to be taken after that, even if you nineteen (not including myself) can't vote again. Sorry :shrug: