Thank you very much, Lady Nerevar. I too have read Feyfolken, it was one of the first in game books I read in Oblivion, and arguably was one of the things that brought me to the forum
The banner is...interesting. I wouldn't mind if we could change that

I agree on the judges, I may step down from judging being I would know who everyone's story is. I'll still try and critique as much as possible, though, so I would in effect have the same responsibilities as a judge without the voting power.
Then it is official, the first anual Elder Scrolls Feyfolken Contest shall begin in one hour and forty three minutes! After the contest begins, you all have one month to send your stories to me (Or someone else, though one person getting all the stories is probably best) in order for them to be judged, posted, reviewed, and eventually voted on! Who will win each award? Remember there are five categories, each with a judges pick and a popular vote:
1) Creativity (Is it unique and original? Is it a retelling of OB's main quest?)
2) Story (Does it make sense? How is it developed during writing?)
3) Characters (Are they round? Are they believable? How do they interact?)
4) Feel (Does it fit into the ES universe? Does it invoke a clear mood/tone?)
5) General Impressions- Judges Overall Pick!
If anyone wishes to comment on the categories, do so now. I'll be changing tid bits here and there later.
Thanks to Lady Nerevar for setting up our forum, thanks to our great judges for volunteering, thanks to our writers for their stories, and thanks to our readers for...reading!
PS How do we register at the forum? Are you still working on it and we should come back tommorow, or am I missing something? EDIT: Found it, at the top left. Thanks. I shall begin posting as soon as I get my admin badge