Of course I would, after all, no game developer has ever used placeholders what-so-ever in the history of game development, especially when it comes to something as simple as short/long swords which are essentially the same thing as far as making them goes. By the way, making individual weapons is pretty simple in the scope of all things. As far as using generic like weapons in the demo, unless there were some important unique type of weapons that affected how you played and was not some hidden weapon meant to be kept as a secret then there's no reason to show off the differences between short and long swords. For example, why would you show off each type of weapon of the different materials, e.g. Daedra Battle Axe, Glass Battle Axe, Iron Battle Axe, it would be redundant as far as a demo goes, you want to highlight the variety and how they actually look different and act different gameplay-wise. As far as short/long swords go, they do have their differences but don't vary too much to show off the two like their major features.
Also, short swords have already been shown in the various gameplay videos, like when the character is dual-wielding.