Woah, buddy, I wouldn't use sarcasm. You might get shot.
Well now I just feel like an ass.

Also, +1 for using sarcasm on sarcasm.
..I think that was sarcasm. Was that sarcasm?
Anyway, thought of something. If we have no 'greaves' slot, but can customize the living crap out of our armor at a forge, then.. Losing shortswords might not be that bad. We might only find 'basic' Sword.. er.. swords, then we can make a shorter, faster sword or a longer, stronger sword at a forge?
In other words (I keep typing 'worse.' Damn you, 3AM!), I heard you liked shortswords, so I took out shortswords so you could make shortswords with regular swords.
Which would be epically unnecessary, therefor making it win.
EDIT: I really shouldn't post this late.. >_<