Not all mods are hidden behind perks tho, so it's still worth looking into, plus lvl 2 is still early game and by then one perk point later I'm sure you're good enough for a suppressor.
The initial perk unlock is not level dependent but the higher perk levels you can't be a weapon making master by level four or something and making insane weapons very early.
We don't know whether or not the suppressor requires Gun Nut. If it does, I'll take Gun Nut at level 1.
Depends.. usually it takes awhile to find any good weapons in Fallout world... and even if you do find one quickly, finding the ammo for them is even harder. Like the op stated, shotguns really helped me out in the beginnings of past games because of their close range damage and the fact that I seem to get taken by surprise a lot... so it's a good go to secondary weapon. For awhile, I'll use whichever weapon I have that has the most and easiest found ammo. (Which will most likely the be 10mm pistol.)
For some reason shotguns in New Vegas and I just never got that close.
Since pistol ammo should be fairly common early game, I'll start with a perk in Gunslinger.
Well not to be misunderstood about my expectations coming out the door, if I Happen to trip over a full choke .12 gauge hunting shotgun with the extended magazine tube then of course I'm going to feel warm and fuzzy as I snatch it up, but for now I'm more counting on my choice in quality footwear than my firepower in the beginning of the game.
Since I be playing very hard mode,i usally carry vary weapons depending where I go and some enemies are easy to kill with certain weapons on hardest difficulty.
Pistols don't do jack,excepts un armored enemies.
1:Sniper rifle for basically anything.
2:Plasma Rifle for deathclaws and armored enemies.
3:Shotgun for radscopions and deathclaw legs then switch to sniping with plasma.
If the combat shotgun is returning, then yes. But does anyone know if there will be a flare gun in this game? I would totally like to use that as well.
why does everyone have a hard-on for the Laser Musket? It looks like a cool weapon but jeeez..... But im gonna go with a sniper rifle of some sort and HOPEFULLY we can get a supressor for it
A grenade rifle if I can find one. I just love the ragdoll effects of body parts flying from me blowing [censored] up early game. I'll switch to the shotty for up, close and personal. Ultimately, I want a long distance relationship with a kick ass plasma sniper rifle.
Let's be realistic here, this ^.
I'll most certainly be running out of ammo and having to switch weapons time multiple times, thus testing out everything from pistols, to shotguns, to rifles and melee weapons.
Once my economy starts rolling, I can focus on shotgun and sniper.
Personally I hate the thing. It looks like something slapped together from scrap metal. Course so does most of the 'crafted' weapons we've seen so far. Really not looking forward to all that corny crap.
Who said it was broken? It looks pretty useless, too (at least how I saw it, maybe a different ammo usage can make it better). It makes sense just because they wanted to relate to Boston's history.
I dunno about useless. It looked like it vaporized all of those raiders in one shot from full health- although the player's aim was terrible, and they always missed the first shot. It also looks like it can be charged up for a stronger shot - they showed it firing off with one round "cranked", and other times with 2 rounds.
With the prospect of super fast leveling early on, I don't think you'll be short on perks. You'll probably be level 10 before you even realize the game started, so there will be plenty of perks to go around. I'm putting a bit in everything, not wanting to specialize too early on before I get a feel for the direction I wanna take my character.