Anyways, there have been a few posts saying that 'shotgun = cloak noob' or 'Versing players with cloak is impossible' I'm here to disprove that. I don't use cloak that much, normally only to stealth kill or just to get to level 6 so I can get visor enhance. I never use cloak in my normal gameplay, no matter how much the enemy team is using it.
Here's a video of me with a shotgun, not using cloak once. Two players who are usual annoyances on Australian servers even try to kick me (and my other clanmate, iceplant12) for 'hacking' midway through. I do pretty well, although I fall for a hologram at one point, and miss a few shots where I shouldn't have.
It proves that versing cloaked players is in no way OP, or all good players don't use cloak.