We should be able to CHOOSE our Pre-Order bonus.

Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 5:39 pm

You ARE able to choose your pre-order bonus. Buy from the retailer that is promoting the bonus item you want. How is that not being able to choose?

If you opened the package and there was a random serial number included for the bonus content that was linked to that package's specific serial number, and it was anyone's guess as to what bonus game it unlocked...then the choice of bonus item would not be yours.

Your inability to purchase from the location offering your choice of bonus item, or just simply your unwillingness to find a way to do so (e.g. ask your parents to order it for you from said establishment), is your choice to NOT choose the pre-order bonus you desire.

I simply don't understand the logic (or lack thereof) behind this thread.
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Beast Attire
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 11:45 am

If it was your choice to choose one of the 4 pre-order bonuses, majority ( IMO 80%) would choose the packs with the guns. I think the Hockler pistol would have been the main choice. Thus it would be a waste of money and time by SD to even add the others seen only a very few would choose them. Then again, I could be wrong. If I am............... :obliviongate: ! Poll here would be better to find results.
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Tiffany Holmes
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 10:21 pm

I pre-ordered mine from walmart just because of the pre-order pack, even though walmart is the devil.

Which is the entire reason why pre-order bonuses are different for each store. They want you to say "that bonus sure looks swell, I think I'll pre-order from there!".

Agreed in full. Frankly the whole varied preorder bonus thing is a novel idea, but I think it could have been implemented a whole lot better. Even the bonuses themselves seem to be "out of balance," if you will, with some offering actual exclusive weapons and others just arbitrary clothing options. I have little doubt the other packs will be released as dlc, though overall that's not a very strong consolation.

The weapons are just skins and don't affect gameplay at all, just like the clothing items.
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Kat Ives
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 9:51 pm

I'm only 17. I don't have a credit card to do online purchases and I don't feel like asking a friend to do it for me because I hate to impose on people when i don't need to. Besides, I'm applying at EB Games, I think it would look better if I hand in an application/resume and then ask if my pre-ordered game is in. Gives the image that i actually have a good opinion on the store and I'm not just another student looking for a job solely to pay off fee's. But back on topic, I still say that if I'm pre-ordering a game i should be given the courtesy to be able to choose which of the 4 bonuses I'd like to have.

you can buy best buy / amazon / walmart giftcards with cash from lots of places. The preorder bonuses are designed to attract customers to a certain store, having all of them available from every retailer defeats the entire purpose of having them in the first place.
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Post » Thu Aug 19, 2010 12:19 am

I Pre-Ordered from EB Games ( owned by Gamestop so I get the Doom pack ) and quite frankly, I'm not that big a fan of Doom. Yeah the games were fun when you're locked in a dark room, But that point aside, I'd rather get to choose which pre-order pack i get when i enter the download code into the Live Store, Rather then it telling me my only option is the Doom one. I'd prefer to choose Fallout, Or CoD. Games I actually own and enjoy playing. In the words of another members post 'I'm not an avid fan of doom, I just wouldn't feel right flying those colors.' I too, Have that opinion.

You did have a choice you choose to go to EB Games :D, also Live? Brink uses Steam Works, Good Sir no Windows Live
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Bek Rideout
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 6:49 pm

I have had Brink reserved for about a year and I was told by a Gamestop employee (recently) that a Special Edition wasnt going to be available for Brink. The game is still going to be the same and im sure it will be a long time before it leaves my disk tray. But since I have had the game paid off way before any incintives where announced it kinda svcks to have to accept what im given when it isnt ideally what I would like. Anywho the world still turns and Brink is just days away but I can see where you are coming from.
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yessenia hermosillo
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 7:23 pm

not all are re-skined weapons. The Psycho pack from Amazon and the Spec ops pack from Walmart give you exclusive guns.

Technically wrong. Those pre-order weapons, according to Richard Ham, mimic the stats of their vanilla counterparts. All they are is re-form'd/re-audio'd.
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 3:07 pm

I thought that even the exclusive weapons had the same exact stats as the "other" weapon of its type. no?

Did not know this, though exceedingly happy to hear so.
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Dean Ashcroft
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 8:03 pm

I pre-ordered mine from walmart just because of the pre-order pack, even though walmart is the devil.

You dare insult me by calling me wal-mart? That is low bro.
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Jake Easom
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 11:16 pm

I have to agree partly with the poeple that wore some what mean about this issue but at the same time you could just do what i'm doing and swap with someone els on the reales day. it's easier that way and everyone get's what they want win win.
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Carlos Vazquez
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