sam_waz_here - never played any dating sims, why would I? I like some romance with my adventure, epic love stories, or worse - no epic ones
First - there are about 50% of feature in TSE that are badly implemented, starting with hand to hand, sword fighting, realistic movement in armor, acrobatic... And the list gos on. Does it mean they should not be it? No because if there is no feature than there is no improvement on it, so things that we want to be gret some day have to be included to begin with.
Second - I think you are taking the whole thing a bit to seriously.
Real companionship is what
real live is for, what I want to see is a fantasy representation, of a fantasy family in a fantasy game. It does not have to contain in depths relationships anolysis and soul searching conversations. I'm one of thous people who role play deeply, I think of a story of my character beyond what the devs feed me, I imagine conversations that are not in the game, meaning to events that would be personal for my char, reactions of others, in short - in my head a write a story, that is unique and interesting to me. But that story is based of in game facts and events, and a presents of a family would inspire some interesting twists.
If implemented family should be a fun part of the game, not a duty, as some people seams to think. It does not matter how it was done in other games, TSE is not "other games" and things can be handled much more differently. I always liked that we had a family in Assassins Creed 2, it added for me to the depths of the game world, I even liked Overlord style "family" it was fun to have 3 mistresses in the tower

Thous are not the exact ways to do this, but it shows that there are plenty of approaches to the subject. I'm sure that a good solution for TES fitting with it's lore and atmosphere can be found.
And I do realize that there are plenty of people who are nearly allergic to all the "family stuff" and can barely handle having one in RL, but for every one of thous people there is someone who finds it fun, so to each their own.
I like more social elements in role playing games, combat part was always secondary in TS for me, plot, and story and exploration, and the most important - the feel of living in another world is what I like.
Wizardy 8 was "Dedicated to thous, for whom one live is not enough" - a phrase that in my opinion suits thous who love RPG games very well, and I am one of thous people